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Supernatural S05E10 - Abandon All Hope FULL REACTION.mp4 - Onehub

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Brandon Wiesner

Looks like this is a day early? In Dean voice - "Awesome!"


Right on time. You didn't account for timezones.

Signe (Seena) Stewart

I love and hate this episode in equal measure!! R.I.P. Jo and Ellen! ❤😢 I love new Meg so much and her interaction with Castiel was a thing of beauty! Lucifer is quite the talker! You have no idea! I love season 5 so much! I think its the one that for me, averages the most brilliant episodes in one season. Every season has at least a few great ones, but 5 has them consistently. And i didn't even realise about all the dying mothers until you mentioned it. Because yeah! Definitely 4 shows so far. Damn... august has been rough on mums all round 🤔😒 (though technically you won't post that particular episode of the 4th show until September... but the point stands 😄)

Signe (Seena) Stewart

Oh, yeah and Crowley has such a great introduction. I loved everything about him from the first moment. And had only a bit to do with Mark Shepard 😂🙄


Yeah this episode was a tough one to swallow. Just imagine watching this on tv and having to wait three months before the next episode. Regarding other hunters being incompetent? I can see some truth to that. Then again, we have to remember that Sam and Dean are dealing with the big fish of the Supernatural universe. They are at the forefront of revelation and are thusly scores ahead of other hunters who deal with smaller problems generally. Jo was a newish hunter with Ellen being a former intelligence broker at the bar. Likely they didn't hunt physically all that much prior. Still RIP to them. They did get a bum wrap on the show. As for the Colt. I seem to recall an earlier episode with Ruby teaching them to make new bullets. It's been so long my memory might be hazy but we just have to assume the demon Crowley used his own demonic energies in making new bullets for the weapon. He is one of the craftier demons to grace the show and is a definite fan favorite as a result. Yes Lucifer is a talker but in many regards he isn't lying or wrong with the things he says. We gotta appreciate evil being done differently on the show and he definitely encapsulates that. Great reaction by the by!


Thinking about hunter competency another way, Sam and Dean die just as much as any other hunter on the show. They are just super lucky, in that they are important enough in the grand scheme of things to always be brought back by somebody or something.

Nancy Nicolai

Yes, you did see Crowley(Mark Shepard) in an episode of Charmed(the one where the kid draws the girls as "superheros") but you may have seen him in oh I don't know everything else from Dr. Who( Mark's Father even played him as his older self) to Leverage to The X-Files to White Collar to Fringe plus so many more so if one calls themselves a SyFy fan then they've seen him in something plus he is quite the drummer!

Nancy Nicolai

And so many more bc he's just an excellent actor but there's probably too many parts to list right?😁👌😈

Max Brander

i love Crowley :D

Max Brander

i love meg maybe because i love rachel miner :D


This is a really good episode, but is the second one that had me hating Kripke a bit. The other one was the end of Season 3, when Dean went to Hell. I still haven't recovered from that one. Season 5 does has some of the best episodes so far, but overall, it is not the best. It has more clunkers - at least for me - than any other season so far. Seasons 2 and 4 are the best overall - with the fewest clunker episodes. At least for me. Bullets for the gun. Remember in Season 3, Ruby 1 helped Bobby get the Colt working again and she showed them how to make bullets for it. They used the gun several times that season. This was after Dean used the last bullet killing Yellow Eyes at the end of Season 2. Every demon - well, a lot of them - call Lucifer "Father". He's the Father of Demon kind. He created them. Yes, Yellow Eyes said Meg was his daughter. Lucifer picked Nick, because Nick was the strongest vessel next to Sam that was alive. Hell Hounds are used to bring in those who made a deal, but not always. They can also be used any other time. Not just for people at the end of their deal time. A lot of people hated that Kripke brought Ellen and Jo back just to kill them off. Made me livid! Sadly, though, there were parts of the fandom that were happy about Jo leaving the show for good, because it meant she left Dean's life for good. Yep. There are different groups in the fandom that rally around different aspects of the show. One group are the Sam and Dean Only group. Nothing wrong with that, but there is a small portion of fandom that feels very strongly that no one should ever come between Sam and Dean. Not even for a romantic relationship. A very small portion of the fandom, but very vocal and some get pretty nasty. Here's an interview - done in Austrailia too! - where J2 actually mention it. It's safe - no spoilers - <a href="https://youtu.be/JoZYuKkjWGY" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/JoZYuKkjWGY</a> But, I think Kripke wanted them out of the picture too. A clean break. Kripke brought Jo and Ellen back to kill them off, so that it would put an end to people constantly asking for them to be on the show more. He admitted to not liking the Road House "thing", and I personally think he didn't see any place for Ellen or Jo to fit into the show either. But they were popular - with a lot of fans. Except for the very vocal minority who hated Jo because she might come between Sam and Dean. snort


Warehouse 13, Dollhouse, Burn Notice... Mark Sheppard really does pop up everywhere

Landen j

Lol did you miss a episode when ruby made bullets with bobby