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Angel S02E22 - There's No Place Like Plrtz Glrb FULL REACTION.mp4 - Onehub

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Eric Zebrowski

"Plrtz Glrb" is Pylian for Home.


Com-shuk is such a filthy word...and so totally appropriate for Cordy in that outfit. Giggity.


My guess as to the lack of cliffhanger for this series is that Buffy being dead is the biggest bombshell they could drop.


Willow Didn't have any dialog. Still got a lot of emotion out of that performance.


The Host spooked you so hard that you forgot to sing the opening song. That's ironic since making people sing is pretty much his thing. :)


In a way, it's a cliffhanger, because we don't know how Angel is going to react to Buffy's death.

Scarlett Monrow

You probably heard that before, but Numfar (dance of joy guy) is Joss Whedon. It's his cameo!


I can FINALLY say this: I love Buffy season 5 and Angel season 2. And I love how they both end. I love how emotional Buffy 5 is. I love how Angel 2 goes from really dark, in the middle, to a gay romp at the end. What great shows. What a great time to share with friends... even though we all live thousands of miles away from each other.


I never knew that was Joss Whedon!


Always was a big fan of the Pylea arc. It's a pretty goofy arc, but it somehow just works, and I never had a problem with it being the way season 2 ends, especially since it introduces Fred.


The Pylea storyline is one of the funnest in all of Buffy/Angel. There are still fun and lighthearted storylines to go in both but this is definitely when you will notice a shift towards a darker tone in both shows. A lot of people consider season 6 of Buffy to be the darkest and season 3/4 of Angel is one huge epic storyline so hold on to your seat because you're in for a ride.


So much for a happy ending... grr argh!


I luv "The Pylea Episodes", as I call them. I occasionally watch these 4 episodes as a self contained movie.


People unfamiliar with the Buffyverse sometimes dismiss it as fluff. Ironically, it is actually pretty scary to be a fan of Buffy and Angel, because both shows get really emotional at times.


"Are you guys going to still love me when I'm done Buffy?" I've been trying to come up with a more reassuring answer than my first answer. (My first answer was "No." which I realized would be a total fail in the reassurance department.). Every challenge is an opportunity in disguise. Finishing a series will finally create space in your schedule to start a new series which will be exciting and new for everyone. How did I do? Reassuring? If all else fails just watch everything we ask you to. That's a no-fail plan. lol.


I feel as though Cordelia’s storyline in this whole arc comes off way rapey-er than the writers probably intended it to, based on the overall tone it’s handled with. I love the Pylea storyline overall, but that aspect always leaves me a little unsure how I should feel about it.


I always thought of it as kom-shok, but I'm sure that's wrong. Sooo... anyone kom-shokked with any groosalugs lately? Yeah. Me neither.


Everything ends happily and Joss reminds us that Buffy is dead, Joss Whedon is just mean.

Richard Lucas

I’m still hoping for Xena at some point, I used to love both Buffy and Xena, both shows about strong women and the people in their lives.