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Angel S02E21 - Through The Looking Glass FULL REACTION.mp4 - Onehub

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Chaotic Cam

Okay, haven't watched yet, but you touched up the pink! It looks amazing, Shan! :D // I personally don't think it looks too much, it's kinda like a hot pink, makes you stand out, lol. But yeah, it'll fade. :P // And I'll still love you! Now, let's watch, lol.

Claire Eyles

And the dance of joy is being performed by none other than Joss Whedon. LOL

Claire Eyles

I had the same thing happen when I dyed my hair pink as well, it was sooo bright initially it almost didn't look pink. It looked good after a few washes but the pink dye I used also faded out really quickly. Of course when I was visiting the pink lake at Dimboola someone passing by just had to drop a smart arse comment about me making sure not to fall in, or else they'd never find me. Cheeky so and so. :D


The Wolf, the Ram and the Hart......my mind was kinda blown when I first saw that part. W&H influence is present across a LOT of dimensions....also, so fun to meet Petty Angel (checking out his hair in the mirror lol). And yes, as Claire mentioned , Numfar is played by Joss Whedon himself 🤣

Brandon Wiesner

Fun fact, there was an Angel easter egg in Age of Ultron. In Thor's dream, he sees a wolf, a ram and a hart.

Jean Olenick

Queen Cordy is made of win. That is all. "YOU'RE most high if you think that is going to happen."

Brendan O'Connor

That ending is a painful one, though I must admit I can't wait to see what happens next

geoff woyce

Back when this aired and before the current internet landscape with its 'the floor is lava' type challenges my fellow Angel watchers would occasionally yell out 'do the dance of joy' at a party, a restaurant, the mall wherever we happened to be and someone would always take up the challenge.


I knew I wouldn't be the first person to mention this. I'm sad now. :D


I too would be pissed if someone cut my lawn without asking.

Timotey Kuhn

Of course we'll still love you when you're done with these two. You are where you are right now because of your sweet as heck, personable. humble style, not just because of the shows. There are a bunch of other reactors out there all currently watching the Buffyverse as well, and they aren't at the level that you are. You just continue to bring your sweet, adorable humble style to all of the other show ideas that we've been peppering you with over these many months once these two shows are over with and we will continue to wuv the heck out of your channel.

Timotey Kuhn

Not to worry about the lyriics.. LOL... trying to say the name of Lorne's dimension would stop anyone in their tracks... :P

Timotey Kuhn

All praise Numfar and his dance of joy! LOLZ......

John Boehmer

"Handsome man saved me from the monsters." I love Fred so much. Definitely a top 5 Buffyverse character IMO.

Alexis Cardarella

I LOVE the hair! I used to dye mine blue, and I loved when it faded until it looked green.


ASR : What’s a cum-shuck? What it sounds like sweetie! You cracked me up when you kept asking - your mind is just too pure. My dirty mind went straight away to what it is first viewing around. But then that meant I was very disturbed. Maybe it’s my British sweary brain since ‘shuck’ is a combination of shag and fuck. :) So, yeah not the way you said it sweetie - it’s definitely the word itself! lol “Oh for fucks sake Joss Whedon!” - and so say we all :)


I'm really enjoying these Pylea Angel episodes - I adore them! Course, the shocker ending is not so adorable. I’m glad you’ve seen the next episode already. Looking forward to that reaction. If Joss &co had really killed off Lorne I’da been pissed. I luurve Lorne!!! My greenest of queer diva babes! Yes, we will love you after the shows are over! Like others have said, you are a great reactor, and lovely person. You’ re great at reacting to anything. came here for the Buffy, staying for you. ( cliche, lol) Also, to comment again on the hair - as mentioned on the Buffy vid, I love the strong pink. But then I’ve always used a bold pink myself. Truely though it looks great, very ‘wow’. And what I always love about using my strong electric blue and bright pink, is that they then fade to a lovely turquoise and paler pink - you get the best of both worlds with a strong colour, and it lasts longer!


Another fun fact, Numfar is played by Joss Whedon.

raymond julien

Running passed bikini clad Cordy to get to the food!? This vampire show is such a Fantasy!


I don't think i'm alone in asking that at some point we need to see the 'dance of joy' performed by Shan


YES!! Why did I not comment on this! Meant to - too much awesome/sad Buffyverse stuff going on at once on Friday. Shan - your acting out of Numfar's Dance of Joy and Dance of Honour is fantabulous, to die for, the best thing eva!etc, etc, :D I luuurved it. I totally second the desire for a full Shan Dance Of Joy performance :D xxx