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You probably noticed or knew, last week I didn't upload anything. This was because I wanted to take a breather and catch up on some things I had fallen behind on. I wanted to have everything set up nicely so I wouldn't fall behind on things as much and I feel like I have achieved that (for the most part).

Do not get me wrong, last week was not by any means a break for me. It was not a holiday where I spent all day gaming or going out. (I spent a little time gaming okay, I'm only human!)

I want to share with all of you the feats I managed to achieve while I was on break from uploading for the week.

Reactions I recorded:

  • SPN 5x8 (Scheduled on Patreon)
  • SPN 5x9 (Scheduled on Patreon)
  • TVD 4x8 (Scheduled on Patreon)
  • TVD 4x9 (Scheduled on Patreon)
  • TVD 4x10
  • TVD 4x11
  • BUFFY 5x21 (Scheduled on Patreon)
  • BUFFY 5x22 (Scheduled on Patreon)
  • ANGEL 2x21 (Scheduled on Patreon)
  • ANGEL 2x22 (Scheduled on Patreon)
  • TGP 1x1 Patreon Pilot (Scheduled on Patreon)
  • SLIDERS 1x1 Patreon Pilot (Scheduled on Patreon)
  • SMALLVILLE 2x1 Rewatch (Scheduled on Patreon - late)
  • SMALLVILLE 2x2 Rewatch (Scheduled on Patreon)
  • ARROW 2x21
  • ARROW 2x22 
  • ARROW BLOODRUSH (Scheduled for $2 tier only)

I have edited all of this weeks reactions for Youtube and they are all scheduled to come out at the 3AM AEST.

SPN 5x5 was never released on YouTube, nor was it cut - it is now ready to be released and will be posted with 5x6 and 5x7 on YouTube.

I updated all the tags for the Buffy & Angel reactions - 

  • You can now find them in the following orders: by season, by show & by crossovers (Buffyverse tag - they're in the order I posted in). Same goes for Arrowverse.

I now have an Arrowverse editor to help cut back on my stress, thank you Chris Peacock! (He has currently edited up until 2x16 for YouTube.) & of course thank you to Dipper (my Buffyverse editor for YouTube.)

I made sure all my reactions are backed up on ONEHUB due to some creators losing their channels. 

As you can see, I did a lot during this week while not uploading. There's still so much more that I need to do such as editing the remainder of the reactions of all the ones pre-recorded & also updating the tags for The Vampire Diaries Universe.

I also still need to update all the upload links as they're not current.I have been a busy beaver! (I kinda sorta...may have missed out on a friends birthday party to get everything completely up to date).

Thank you to everyone who has supported me during this break and helped in any way they could. I appreciate everyone for being patient with me and I apologize if anything is ever messed up or late. I am trying my best :)!

PS I WILL ALSO BE FINISHING MARVEL'S CLOAK & DAGGER WITHIN THE NEXT WEEK SO STAY TUNED FOR THAT. (They will most likely come out as quickly as I can edit them - hopefully daily but don't hold me to it).





Hope the break helped Shan :) any chance you want to upload Buffy now and then have a gap for season 6? Haha its the finale! I cant wait! 😂


Oh dear. We are not worth missing a friend's birthday party over. That makes me kind of sad. But I'm glad you had a productive week

Brandon Wiesner

So glad to see you are back in the swing of things. Also happy to hear that you have an Arrowverse editor now, as all of those shows now are on the CW, who are infamous for blocks. Hopefully that will mean a happier, less stressed and more often upbeat Shan! Awesome that you finished those Buffyverse seasons. I will be counting the days until those are uploaded. While you were gone (not really though, lol), I caught up on all the ones I hadn't watched with you reacting and there are so many gems. It's nice to see someone that seems genuine and not overreacting or obviously have watched it before, unlike some others that will be nameless. Oh BTW, I don't know if you put this together yet, because I haven't seen you mention it during Buffy or Angel and I'm not on the rewatch tier. This isn't a spoiler, don't worry I wouldn't do that to you but did you know that James Marsters (Spike) is also Brainiac on Smallville?


Oh no--I wish this had been more of a break for you! You work hard and deserve some time for yourself. I feel bad that you felt it necessary to miss a friend's birthday for your videos since one of the perk's of this job is having a flexible enough schedule to still do things that you want to do every now and again. Really hope that you get an actual break some time soon. Not to say that I'm not excited for your videos but you deserve an actual break from all of the dedication you put into your reactions.


Ooh this is going to be an epic week with SPN, Buffy and Angel!!!!

Chaotic Cam

I'm so happy that you're back, Shan, though I do wish your break had been more of an actual break for you. <3 It really shows your commitment though to your followers and it's admirable. I hope it was at least enough of a breather though if not a complete break. <3


If you've reacted to the Buffyverse episodes, do you think you could release a couple of them early? Please? :p

Amanda Logsdon

Wait your doing the Sliders pilot? Wow havent seen that show in Forever, cool.


With John Rhys-Davies... Sallah from the Indiana Jones trilogy and Gimli from LOTR. :)


I did know that. Not sure if I kept it in, but the first time I saw Spike in School Hard I was like "Heeeey...." that was me recognizing him lol :P

Timotey Kuhn

With the amount of work that you do to keep this channel going, if anyone ever gives you grief over things being , in your words, "r messed up or late", they need to be torn a new one. Also....You're doing Superman the Movie as a Re-watch??? Thank the bloody maker I'm in that tier!!! :D


Welcome back, Shan! I've missed you! Can't wait for Friday :D :D

Katherine Thoreson

Wow you accomplished a lot. Is it weird if I say I'm proud of you? lol It also looks like you have some great items on the schedule for this week, especially for the weekend. I can't wait. :)