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Supernatural S05E08 - Changing Channels FULL REACTION.mp4 - Onehub

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Elisa Ingo

The "car" show was Knight Rider :)


S.O.B. means Son of a Bitch

Chaotic Cam

Lmao, this is one of my favorite episodes, I've probably re-watched it over a dozen times. I'm really glad you liked it, your reaction was amazing, haha. :D Learning that The Trickster was the Archangel Gabriel was definitely a big moment, and that speech he made showing the parallels between Lucifer/Micheal and Dean/Sam was delivered spectacularly.


Yes, the trickster Sam and Dean have met has always been Gabriel, masquerading as a trickster. If you go back and watch his interactions with Sam in Mystery Spot with this new knowledge, it actually makes a lot of sense. He tells Sam he's trying to teach the brothers to stop sacrificing themselves for each other because "nothing good comes out of it", something a real trickster (basically chaotic personified) wouldn't care about. Looking back with this knowledge, he's making a last ditch attempt to prevent all of this from happening :) Wonderful reaction as always! I'm glad you're still able to enjoy the show with all the problems you've been having with it <3

Nicole Garver

I so glad you enjoyed this one - it's one of my favorites for sure. Yes SOB stands for son of a bitch. The comedy was a call back to a show called Three's Company; the "ghost" in Dr. Sexy was a teasing shot at Jeffrey Dean Morgan for his character in Grey's Anatomy; Rafael was also an archangel; the car gag was a spoof of a show from the 1980s called Knight Rider ... ummm, I think that was all your questions. Can't wait to see your next reaction. Glad to see you back at it, hope you had a productive break.


Just wanted to clear some stuff up cause it’s never really explicitly stated on the show. There are 4 Archangels, Michael, Lucifer, Gabriel & Raphael. Archangels are God’s first born sons. Regular Angels like Cas, Zachariah, Anna are technically his children but they’re more like his creations, like Humanity is his creation. So when The trickster is talking about his brothers and his family, he pretty much just means the Archangels and God.


Pretty much this. There is a definite hierarchy of power regarding the Angels. God is top, the 4 archangels are next with Lucifer and Michael being more powerful than Gabriel and Raphael. Below that is Zachariah and Anna, then Castiel (who is technically termed a Seraph). Below them are the other angels like Uriel and the like.


I think this is the third Archangel we have seen. The first one we saw was Raphael, then Lucifer, now Gabriel.


This was a great Reaction. Thanks. I know you use Netflix to watch the show, but you can skip the intro sequence so you won't get spoilers about an episode. I also have netflix, and there is something that comes up in the lower right part of the screen when it starts playing that says "Skip Recap" - click on it and it will take you past the recap part. I'm slowly starting to like this episode more as I watch others React to it. For some reason, I never much liked this episode. Not sure why, but I found it stupid and too silly. Except for the ending, of course. That was always a good part for me. You do really well at figuring things out quickly. Great job! Others have already told you everything else, so I've nothing further to add.

Brandon Wiesner

I'm glad you liked the Norton Hulk movie. I liked it too. I don't know why people want to basically erase it from the MCU canon.

Kevin Zhang

No. Humanity is his creation and there is that relationship between the archangels and God, but the angels are as much his children as the archangels, just far more estranged. And they are all his creation - they were created for a purpose even though the angels' purpose is helping God.

Kevin Zhang

But i think you should kind of refrain on these kind of explanations because no one at this point is expected to put it together like that yet even though it's right there.

Joe Smijohn Jr

The car sequence was a Knight Rider parody