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I've had such a stressful week this week.

With all the blocks and editing problems I am just really tired. I agreed to go on stream with Fan Theory at 5:30am my time today (which has now passed) and I agreed to this a few weeks ago.

I lost track of time and was reminded that it was today 5:30am and so my mind being the way it is only allowed me 2 hours of sleep.

I am suppose to record tomorrows buffyverse reactions today and so far I have only recorded The Body.

I'm so tired, I need to sleep - I hope that you guys won't mind if they're slightly late. I'm usually very good with these things, I know you all come here and you pay and I feel completely filthy when I don't deliver when I say I will - but like I said, stressful week with 2 hours of sleep - I would rather not yawn all throughout

Angel 2x18 Dead End

Buffy 5x17 Forever

Buffy 5x18 Intervention

No matter what happens, or how late those will be (probably not very late) - The Body should be out at 3:00am AEST as planned. But if it's not please don't hate me

I hope you can forgive me.


Chaotic Cam

It's alright Shan, we understand! Your health is the most important thing, I can't speak for others, but I personally don't mind waiting. Hope you get some good sleep and feel better!

Katherine Thoreson

Yes I had my phone in hand so I saw the second you posted this. I personally say no worries here. Take care of yourself. And especially after having to watch The Body....take the time you need to recover. Love you and your reactions. 😊


Your health is way more important than our need to relive Buffy :) Take care of yourself and don't worry about us. And I apologize for "The Body", even though I had nothing to do with it, I know how hard it was/is to watch. (not a spoiler, you said you watched it. I double checked).


Everyone... PREPARE YOUR PITCHFORKS! No one is gonna spaz out if they’re a few hours late... and if they do, they’re a dick. We gotchu. Take care of yourself. Thank you for letting us know though... communication is key. Now go to bed Shan 😝

Chaotic Cam

Even if they're a day or so late, you're good, Shan. Just take care of yourself.

Brandon Wiesner

I'm looking forward to The Body. I'm sure it was hard for you and your reaction will make it that much more meaningful.

Jason Short

I can wait for reaction you need sleep more than 2 hours

Chris Peacock

Fine with me. Get plenty of rest. I still haven't written my essay to put in The Body's comments... I know at least zero people are looking forward to reading it.


It's ok, take all the time you need. I know that watching The Body was probably very stressful. Take some time to de-stress. Play some games or watch some funny shows to clean out your brain.


Did you see what Passionofthnerd posted a few days ago about The Body? It was powerful.


Been waiting a long while for The Body. You made it. Well done! Did you notice Anya sitting on the sweater Willow was looking for? And some other scenes got a tad emotional. Now I'm waiting for you to get to the series finale. That'll take awhile. So very glad you got this far. Barely care that there's a clump of late ones following.


*virtual hug* please get some rest. we'll see you later 😊


Even when your videos are "late", they're still early to me. The wonders of the International Date Line. Get some sleep!


Your health and mental well being is all we really care about. xoxo

Hannah Grangaard Gaudesen

Don't worry! it's much more important that you don't burn out from all the stress! We don't mind!


We love you, there is nothing to apologize for. Take care of yourself.


I mean for those of us who live in California, you technically release everything a day earlier than your schedule says anyway...so it's all good.


no worries girl... got about 2hours myself, with a very hard weekend. and constantly working out for the past month (have fibromyalgia) finally caught up with me the last 2 days... so i'm right there with ya when it comes to exhaustion! just take your time... like i always say when it comes to any sort of entertainment... I'd rather it be late and really good... than on time and far less than what it could be.


Dude, take care of you. You should always come first. Sure, we pay for your reactions but I hope none of us are shitty enough to demand that you fight through exhaustion just for a 45 minute video. Get some rest! You work hard and deserve it!


What ritchie said! And what airlines say. You gotta take care of you before you can attend others. Sending good vibes

Michael Roach

Nothing to forgive. Absolutely nothing. Sleep...rest...take care of yourself. I want you excited and well rested when you watch these shows. Most of all I want you to be happy :)


ASR, don't worry. From what the comments seem be saying, nobody has a problem with this. For myself, you are already easily one of the best reactors I pay for on patreon. Both in quality and quantity. Seriously, you shouldn't feel filthy or anything if/when real life makes you a few days late with some reactions. That stuff happens to everyone sometimes, take the time you need. Hope you feel better soon :)

Timotey Kuhn

Do not feel the slightest bit guilty at all. After all, you were just put through the wringer of watching "The Body" in addition to everything else. If anything, I think we should all apologize to you for you going through such a soul wrenching exercise. It feels rather wrong, point of fact. So please never feel the need to apologise to us for metaphorically breaking your back for this channel. just do whatever you need to do to keep yourself rested.....and for what you had to endure in seeing "The Body"...I'm sorry.


Get some sleep. We will see it when we see it. Love ya’

Shauni Livingstone

Don't worry about it, I'm sure everyone would agree especially with where we are in the series we would rather they be late than u being exhausted during ur reactions so u can really enjoy them x


No need to apologize. We all know how hard you work on getting all of these videos out. Get the rest that you need, that's more important than a tv show.

Einar Sigurðsson

No stress Shan! You do not owe us anything, we support you! Also, loving the mixup with Fan Theory! I love both your channels. Take care!


Do not apologize, take as much time as you need, your health and emotional state go first.


We love the quality of your videos and the consistency of your schedule... but these things are not as important as your health and well-being. I always strive to remember that people are more important than things. If I have to choose between the health of my Dad and the health of my car... it's an easy choice. But somehow it's a little harder to remember that my health is important too.


You're all good Shan, nothing to apologise for, and we could never hate you <3 it must have been pretty stressful and emotionally taxing reacting to The Body, so we completely understand. I don't mind waiting for your videos. Good things come to those who wait, and your content is nothing but good things :) always here if you need any support x

Katherine Thoreson

Exactly. I don't want to admit how long it took me to figure out....*internal thinking* but she said she was going to start posting Buffy reactions on Friday....but I always get them on Thursday.... Yes, you may ridicule me.....lol


You're good, Shan. I so appreciate you being conscientious about all this. That shows you are a quality person. And hopefully our responses here let you know that we appreciate you and don't want you to sweat getting the reactions out at a specific time. You gotta sleep. It doesn't get more basic than that. Take care.


No worries, anyone following your patreon knows or should know how much you put into all this. Please take your time and ensure you dont get burnt out.


no worries... I look forward to the new Buffyverse reactions when they appear. xx


You're a one woman crew. It's never going to work out perfectly all the time. Watch them when you're ready to enjoy them. Otherwise what's the point?