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Angel S02E15 - Reprise FULL REACTION.mp4 - Onehub

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Nice call back to buffy season 2…I agree she wouldn’t work as a cop unless she was running the department. In a way Kate's problem being a cop is the same problem Buffy had in high school with getting/almost getting expelled all the time …most of the people in power don’t believe in the supernatural so there’s no way to explain one’s actions properly to them


I feel a little stupid now, having seen the show before I never realized what angel did in leaving the people in the hotel for the demon and leaving the lawyers was a similar kind of action....he was pissed at the people so why save them from demons [at least with the lawyers he had some legitimate reasons to be angry]…..acting not as a savior of souls as he did with faith but a vengeful, righteous, and angry angel [it like old testament vs new testament] Also like the parallel of Kate and Angel losing their missions at the same time...Angel’s more cosmic mission and Kate with her life being dedicated to being a cop This is only my second time watching Angel and I find I'm getting a lot more angry at Angel for abandoning Wesley, Cordy and Gun this time around.

Andrew Pulrang

I agree with the comment above about the police department being unable to clear Kate for her admittedly weird behavior, because the key to it all is the supernatural stuff. On the other hand, I have always thought it would be interesting to get some evidence that the people running the department actually DO know about it ... the way the cops in Sunnyvale kind of half knew about it. It’s hard to say whether the review panel was being sincere in thinking Kate had just lost her mind a bit because of her father’s dead, or whether that’s the story they are using to get her out of the way because she’s starting to find out too much about what’s really going on in the city. I mean, did the management actually know about the precinct captain who was raising the dead to fight crime, and were they okay with it because he was “successful?” I actually think they left that purposefully ambiguous. More fun that way!

Chris Peacock

I love Lorne, I really do, but he is dead wrong in this episode. Andrew Lloyd Webber is fantastic.

Chris Peacock

Just to be clear, while logically you'd think those books were probably Wesley's. We saw what he had with him in his first episode. The books weren't included. So all those books were Angels in the first place and they stole them from him when they left.

Chris (darkwater)

Regarding your theory about Angel's curse.. if you go back and take a look at Surprise, the moment he lost his soul wasn't during sex.. it was presumably some time after while he was laying there.. pretty much without a care in the world for that moment.


I always thought it weird everyone on the show kept thinking it was the sex itself that caused angel’s moment of true happiness…when clearly he was in love and in post sex bliss…..I mean sex is great but true happiness every time…..really???

Chris (darkwater)

To be fair to everyone.. Buffy didn't witness the change itself and her only point of reference was the sex. Jenny's uncle stated it fairly clearly and did not say it was sex itself.


Won't someone please think of the fishies!


I guess I'm in the minority here, but I don't think Kate being fired had anything to do with the supernatural, it had to do with her acting crazy. ASR, you said that different people react differently to grief, which is true, unfortunately some people go actually insane from the loss of a love one. So, lets look at Kate's behavior as a cop, as seen by other cops. Kate's father dies, she takes no time off of work. Her behavior changes drastically. She shows up on cases where she wasn't assigned (which generally seen as a no-no), and at least in one case actually takes over the case from the detective who was assigned. (Where she showed up at the scene where Angel killed the slime demon). Next: Kate sits at her desk all day, and listens to her police radio all night (this is mentioned repeatedly). That is not a sign of a mentally healthy individual. If you are off work, you should be OFF of work. Anyone, and especially emergency personnel, need to be awake/aware when they are at work. Kate needs to recharge her batteries, just like everyone else, and this is not happening if all she is doing is waiting for the next case. Her appearance: This is subtle, and never outright mentioned, but her appearance changes over the course of this season. Her hair becomes unkempt, her shirts/pants aren't as well ironed, etc...While not everyone dresses the same, a change in appearance after a major life change is generally a sign of emotional issues. Social issues: She acts rudely to a few officers throughout the season. That might be nothing, she wasn't exactly nice in season 1. But, as she is rude to a fellow officer at least once in every episode she appears in, this could be a MAJOR issue that we aren't seeing because we don't follow her around. Putting everything together, and I think the police department was completely in the right to suspend her. Firing might be too strong, but Kate is showing classic symptoms of emotional problems. AND Kate actually IS suffering from emotional problems. Kate can't deal with the supernatural, and is freaking out (generally, mentally healthy people don't try to kill themselves when they get fired). So, not only is Kate showing symptoms of mental health issues, she actually does need therapy. Of course, unless she gets a demon therapist or something, those issues might not get help, but...Cops who have emotional issues and are walking around with a gun, is just...bad. It's just bad. Kate needed to be removed from the force before something bad happened.

Chris Peacock

In real life she would have been suspended several episodes ago but she absolutely didn't do anything that they could have fired her for. Her union would have been too strong for that. In fact if this was real life she could have marched to her union rep and gotten it turned into a 2-4 week suspension in seconds. Although in Kate's case, she'd still have ended up the same way if it had just been a suspension so no big difference. I'd say the suspension would have happened very shortly after she was transferred to a desk job in Dear Boy, since that step clearly didn't solve the issue. Now, if she had gotten suspended and then all this happened... yeah... she'd be fired.

Alexis Cardarella

America=big capitalism= big pharmaceuticals= every one has prescription drugs.. it’s very easy/the go to in terms of healthcare


On the episode title, they continue their habit of musical references. Reprise (reh-prees), means a repeated passage of music, but it often used in language to just mean to return to an old role/job etc.

Brandon Wiesner

Yes, you are right. Angel lost his soul because he experienced bliss, or perfect happiness with Buffy. This with Darla is just about sex.

Richard Lucas

I didn’t notice it til you paused at the end, but one of the two goat worshippers at the start is David Fury, one of the top writers in the Buffyverse! He’s gone on record saying despite his great success and talent as a writer, he’d give it all up in a heartbeat if he could be a successful actor. So Joss occasionally tosses a role his way to keep him happy. I can think of two off the top of my head, though there are probably more, in two of my favorite Buffyverse episodes! Sorry for the late comment but I’m behind on Angel reactions (as I HAD to watch your Buffy reactions first!). PS You have 515 patrons, wow!!


Watching all the episodes you uploaded before I joined so this might not be see but still wanted to post. Anyways, when Holland said the lines "You see, if there wasn't evil in every single one of those people out there... why, they wouldn't be people. They'd all be angels." I was like omg and felt so bad for Angel, easily the best scene in this show is that elevator scene. :D

Loves Bitca

I Love Cordy and Wes' friendship, and the fact that they are just straight up good friend with no reference to their previous attraction to each other.