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Angel S02E13 - Happy Anniversary FULL REACTION.mp4 - Onehub

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Chaotic Cam

I just finished watching 12 Monkey's and I can't with this episode, lmao. Anyways, great reaction as always!

Chris Peacock

It's Clue and Ludo which is "I play" in Latan. So your clue is I Play Clue.


Why does david boreanaz wax his underarms... so random, but i cant stop noticing it in these episodes lately lol


I get the discomfort thing from this episode. The whole "I've already decided to break up with the guy but I'm going to pretend everything is okay and have sex with him one last time," routine that the girlfriend had going on there, coupled with the fact the dude KNEW it was what her plan was and still went along with it (even considering the freezing time thing) is a weird situation. Speaking from personal experience, (although a lot less dramatic and creepy in my case) two people who know their relationship is about to end but pretending that it isn't can be super uncomfortable.

Alexis Cardarella

I kind of loath this episode except I love the Lorne-Angel scenes, and the scenes with the rest of the gang

Paul Gibson

in England its Cluedo. yeah i think you were uncomfortable because you could sympathise with both sides of the relationship while at the same time realise that they are both so wrong for how they are handing it

Paul Gibson

the do wasn't added. it was removed for certain countries


I just realized that Lorne sings like an Angel. And Angel sings like a demon.

Katherine Thoreson

It made you uncomfortable because it was two people who clearly weren’t right for each other making bad decisions and not communicating with one another. I think it was supposed to parallel Angel’s issue of not communicating with his team and what kind of disastrous consequences that can have. The demons’ motivation was kind of weak. They were just a sect of demons that were waiting for the end of humanity.....just because. I think it’s supposed to be implied they live in a different plane of existence than us maybe even different dimension? At least that’s how I always interpreted it because of them phasing into Gene’s lab like they did. Although I could be wrong. It could just be how they transport from one location to another. However, if they don’t live on a different plane of existence that would be silly because yeah they would all be stuck too like you said. Or maybe they didn’t realize that’s what would happen. Okay I’m just rambling now. Although this episode does have the extremely awkward relationship part to it I really love this episode purely for the Lorne parts. 😊


Smiling at your last sentence. More Lorne = more goodness.


I find this episode creepy, and uncomfortable to watch at times as well. The Cordy, Wesley, and Gun stuff is funny, but the main storyline with the grad student and Angel is off. I think it’s because what’s being shown and the tone the show takes toward it and the reactions the characters have toward it are not in tune. So they’re showing a guy lose it because he finds out he’s being dumped and lied to….so he decides to freeze himself and his girlfriend while having sex….which is basically murder suicide in a creepy sexual way. The tone the show takes is kind of a whimsical and a little lighthearted. The reactions of angel and Lorene at the end are like well these things happened you got to keep keeping on their guy and not try these silly “pranks” again they can go wrong and you know destroy the world and not what you were trying to do just kill yourself and your girlfriend….wtf It’s like watching a crime show about trying to stop a serial killer and when the cops fail and someone else dies they’re like “dammit there goes that silly Carl again killing another one, oh well let’s go get a beer and have a fun night” The actual scene when they freeze is even creepier because both people are deceiving the other, and we know they both are so its like four levels of deception for the viewer [So I know that he’s having sex while planning on freezing them while pretending everything is alright while he’s probably full of anger and hurt while we know she’s lying about her emotional state and just sympathy boning him totally unaware he’s planning on freezing them both….and she never realizes what actually happened ]….which is weird. That’s my experience at least the main story line just didn’t know how seriously it took itself…..and neither did I as a watcher…it left me off balance emotionally….and a little uncomfortable.


This is such a forgettable episode.


I don't think that's technically correct. The game was originally called "Murder!" It was purchased by the Waddington's in the UK, and the Parker Brothers in the US. Waddington sold their version as Cluedo, and Parker Brothers sold their's as Clue. Both versions were launched at the same time, so neither one is the "original," nor is either one older than the other one.

Jon Dub

Gene's plan was ridiculous. And very extreme, just because your girlfriend of a year decides to finish with you....trapping you and her mid orgasm in a time removed bubble is a little fucked up. What did he think would happen? When neither of them turned up for work, their families and friends would call the police who would force entry into Gene's apartment within 48 hours to find Gene and his girlfriend stuck in a mid coitus bubble LOL It would obviously be deactivated at some point very soon. I am not sure what Gene was thinking. If he wanted to get back at her, he'd have been better off dumping HER immediately after the sex, at least try to save some face....his plan was dumb from the outset. If I was Angel i'd have clocked him round the head for being a dumbass

Andrew Pulrang

Not one of Angel's best. The depiction of Gene's girlfriend is a pretty terrible commentary on women in relationships ... kind of like Gene himself had written it. And I don't think Angel and Lorne should have been sympathetic to Gene. Even if he hadn't ended the world, he would have essentially killed his girlfriend. It would basically be a murder-suicide. The Angel / Lorne conversations were great though.


True but its called Cluedo because there is a game called Ludo which has a similar layout that pre-existed. Its basically what is called parcheesi in the USA. So its a pun that worked at the time in the UK (and I guess Aus), but they didnt have Ludo in the USA so it was lost on them, so they just called it (and the movie) Clue. I guess it was that or Cluecheesi?

Nicole Garver

This episode (for me) kind of validates some of the allegations that Joss Whedon's ex-wife made about his attitudes toward women. Although they are just allegations, and made by someone who was obviously angry at him, this episode and others like it give me pause upon rewatching - now having those thoughts in my head. NOT TRYING TO START ANY KIND OF ARGUMENTS ABOUT WHEDON, just expressing how conflicted I feel.


"This episode (for me) kind of validates some of the allegations that Joss Whedon's ex-wife made about his attitudes toward women." -- In what ways do you feel that the depiction of Gene's gf is problematic? I'm not criticizing... I'm just interested in knowing why you feel the way you do.


I don't feel bad for Gene at all. You don't have to date someone if you don't want to anymore.