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Supernatural S04E21 - When The Levee Breaks FULL REACTION.mp4 - Onehub

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Brendan O'Connor

This episode is named after the Led Zeppelin song, and I think it's very fitting because of that fight at the end. I like to think it broke when Dean said "you're a monster." And much like most of this season, I'm on Dean's side on this issue. What did you think?

Nancy Nicolai

#1 A levee is the raised sides of ground or rocks on either side of a river,#2 one should never make someone withdraw from anything cold turkey its cruel and dangerous bc slowly carefully reducing the dose of whatever is the right way so in this way I agree with Bobby that Dean was killing Sam by locking up and being self righteous too #3 Cass was "just following orders"😞#4 we all hate it when they fight!!!!😢💔


This was a crazy intense episode. And I love it! Hard to believe they fit so much into one episode. You'll get your answers - some in the next episode. Some next season. Levee's are used to protect areas from flooding - that's why saying "when the levee breaks" is a "thing", because it means the levee is no longer able to hold back the flood waters and there will be a lot of destruction when it breaks. I was on Dean's side in this one. Many fans think that Dean and Bobby were wrong in locking Sam up. You can make connections to an addiction to demon blood and an addiction to drugs or alcohol, but it really can't be the same. Like Bobby said, there's no book on how to detox someone from demon blood. I don't think there is a weening off from it. It's an all or nothing. But that is something that would be debatable. Only Kripke would know. This episode also connects back to season 2, when John told Dean that he'd have to save Sam or kill him. I suspect that is what Dean was thinking about during this too. But I don't think he'd ever be able to actually kill him directly. The next episode is also very intense and full. The end of this season leaves fans feeling drained, emotionally, I expect. It does me. Good catch about Ruby maybe purposefully making Sam go through withdrawals to make him more compliant and ready to take the blood. The fight between the boys at the end was really shocking, but I think long in coming. And notice how it was Sam who took the first shot? And Dean with that dang tear! And then steeling himself up to actually fighting his brother. And Sam turning all dark side! I hated what he said at the end to Dean. And then Dean goes and says what he did. argh!

Brenda Lewis

Yeah , this is a rough one


that episode in season 2 called what is and what should never be, is also named after a led zeppelin song. :D

Clara V.

I feel a tiny bit of a need to stand up for Sam here. Not to say that anything he did was right, but there are a few things to keep in mind here: a) There were what he genuinely believed were legitimate reasons. At this point it is very clearly an addiction but he started because he really thought it was the only way to save people. And IF he had been right about that after all, we would all be singing a very different tune, one about how incredibly self-righteous and sometimes straight-up bigoted Dean is (and always has been). b) Addiction is a really really complex issue that has a lot more to do with emotional support structures than it does with the substance itself and trying to "cure" someone by forcing them through detox isn't a strategy that can ever work long-term if you don't adress the underlying causes that led the person to it in the first place with a sense of empathy, something that neither Dean nor anyone else in Sam's life ever even attempts. (stoic masculinity not doing anyone any favors here) c) Notice Dean and Bobbi discussing the details of the detox, clearly displaying their contempt for Sam's perceived weakness, while calmly proceeding to get drunk, as they do every. damn. day. Can you say double standard? To be clear, I'm not excusing Sam's actions, I just think it's a lot more complex than most of the characters in the show make it out to be and I get real tired of people shitting on addicts while themselves not understanding or even trying to understand the very first thing about addiction and yet believe it is them that have all the answers... Just to put that out there.

Jean Olenick

According to the dvd commentary on this ep, the hallucination of Mary is supposed to be the personification of Sam's addiction. She a manifestation of the part of himself which thinks this course of action is valid and necessary, which was why she was being supportive of him and is validating his choices. As for the others, I don't think they were specifically explianed, but I'd guess that younger Sam is the person he used to be, Alastair is either Sam's guilt or a way of interpreting the physical pain of withdrawal (or both), and Dean is his self-loathing for drinking blood and being a 'freak'. I've always interpreted the hallucination scenes as all of these pieces, the inner child/idealist, the addiction, the pain and the self-loathing being given screentime to show Sam's state of mind and how conflicted he is. As for the last scene, yeah... that fight is rough to watch. Sam strangling Dean shows just how out of his mind he is. :(