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Buffy The Vampire Slayer S05E05 - No Place Like Home FULL REACTION.mp4 - Onehub

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Jon Dub

Awww am so sorry folks have been spoiling you. Rotten sods!


So when people are kidnapped or held hostage, some believe that if you share personal information about yourself it will speak to their moral conscious and make it harder for them to hurt you. Yes, psychopaths have zero empathy or capacity to feel guilt so this strategy is hopeless. But in some cases it works, like robberies, car jackings and so so forth

Chris Peacock

I know it wasn't me who spoiled (mostly), but I'm sorry anyway. Disappointing. Ok guys, we can do better than this. Edit: So I know I did make a comment that Restless spoiled the entirety of season 5, but I didn't say how, so I think I'm good. If not, I'm even more sorry. Hopefully not.


I agree with you on the spoilers thing. I wish people would just let things play out.

Michael Roach

100% in support of you and I'm so sorry that this has happened. My worst fear since you started doing these reactions is that people were going to spoil you either directly or just by accident with some of their "veiled" comments. Time and again I would read people's comments either here or on Youtube and feel like they were way to revealing . You can't react to something for the first time if you already have a pretty good hint of what's going to happen. I HATE that this has happened to you and I hope that in the future everyone will be more careful when it comes to talking about the show.


I think we need to change the conversation about spoilers. People think spoilers are only giving away specific plot points. Hinting at future events may not be a "spoiler", but it is still "spoilery", and there is just too damn much of it. We need to change the conversation to "Please don't hint about future events."


Answers to questions: yes...no...and to get to the other side. 🤓


Hi ASR, a well deserved rant. :) Whedonverse shows are full of witty throwaway lines, subtle foreshadowing, and misdirects. You raise a good point - there's nothing subtle when folks make sure all the forward shadows are highlighted and underlined. Season 5 is extra hard because some viewers rage quit before S5E5. And you keep making the right guess - that's too fun/frustrating for us. You figured out the Tara/Willow thing super early. The writing keeps getting better on Buffy/Angel, making harder for us to not notice when you nail those subtle bits...

Chris Peacock

Little mad at myself right now. Anyway, I really love The Beast. Our first female Big Bad. I hope you end up liking her as a villain.


im sorry you kept getting lots of spoilery things, i hope your new moderators will help to try and stop that. I love this episode and your reaction was great as always!! i remember being so so shocked, and tearing up at the end... this is such an amazing season, cant wait to watch more! xx


If I spoiled, it was totally not on purpose. I love your unspoiled reactions and would never knowingly mar them. If I ever did, you have my sincerest apologies :)

Einar Sigurðsson

I am so sorry you were spoiled. That is not fucking cool


A terrifying monster is revealed in this episode...ASR's inner neat freak!


awww honey I'm so sad you're getting stuff spoiled. Maybe someone you trust can moderate comments or something? Anyway I'm looking forward to seeing the videos you posted <3


Spoilers suck. Fun story, I recently started watching a completely unrelated show for the first time, a character was introduced who looked familiar, so I googled the character name. Literally the top result in google, ahead of any wiki articles or anything was like, "CHARACTER'S SHOCKING DEATH!* and I was just like...well that's neat.


One of my favorite things about this episode, and really the last few episodes leading up to it, was the way something about Dawn had irritated Buffy from the moment she was first created, much more so than was warranted by anything Dawn had actually done. In Superstar, Buffy was the first one to figure out that something was wrong with the world Jonathan had created… really, the only one, since everyone else only knew because Buffy told them, and even then, most of them had a hard time accepting it. That was with the whole world changed; with Dawn, the changes weren’t as extreme and there weren’t any obvious clues that anything had been changed, but still, IMO on some level Buffy knew something didn’t feel right, and that’s why Dawn was such an irritation to her. So I love the way that they have Buffy so irritated by Dawn for the last few episodes, and I love even more how, as soon as Buffy finds out Dawn is an innocent human being, a child who needs her protection, it’s the first time we see Buffy showing Dawn any genuine affection.

Timotey Kuhn

I am beyond livid right now. How dense can people f'ing be that our dear ASR has NOT seen this show yet & to give ANY kind of what she just mentioned will utterly rob her of the experience??? I mean, what the hell?? (To our dear ASR, you'll have seen that I reposted that write up I made about spoilers in early March at the top of the comments in every episode that you've posted to Youtube for season 5 so far. I'll just also write here in case you see this first that maybe you should take the write up and pin it to the comment section of all future Youtube episodes where nobody can miss it at all.)

Timotey Kuhn

You actually have to have mods to boot??? Even though it has nothing to do with me.....I feel compelled to apologise for the stupidity of human beings. I;m particularly annoyed at the stupidity of people who are fans of this show, because this isn't supposed to be a show for stupid people. The way they always wrote the show was to keep it smart & witty. That some fans of this show are this stupid that they don't get what a spoiler is boggles my mind.

Timotey Kuhn

You say this.. but then you make a comment like the one above. Are you dense?

Einar Sigurðsson

You are right, I am. I just saw the thumbnail and assumed she knew who the woman was at this stage. Apologies all around

Alexis Cardarella

I agree. The comments on here, as well intentioned as they may be, get ridiculous. I honestly don’t read most of them. (Because) There’s so many that just want to sound off, explaining things to you that they’ve learned from watching several times and/or from reviews. It’s really frustrating seeing those as someone watching your reactions.


Don’t worry spooky sand comes out of carpets easily.


Spoilery comments always drive me crazy. Even worse you can't tell them off for being spoilery because you just draw attention to it more I think. Glad you've got mods to sort it out, hopefully before you see them. We'll never know now how different this reaction would be if you hadn't been spoiled that Dawn was going to be explained in this episode. The whole trance switching perspectives from Joyce to Dawn was very well done. Probably had more impact if you hadn't been forewarned I reckon. Still good, all the same :)


Nearly every reaction to a cult classic series I’ve seen, it’s only a matter of time until the reactor snaps because of idiots who think they’re really fucking clever with their “foreshadowing”. At this point I feel like audience interaction is just kinda overrated...

Chris Peacock

Lost would be safe to read whatever she wants. Not a single person that watched Lost understood what was going on anyway... kidding.


"ALWAYS GO TO IMDB". Totally agree that that's your best bet, but that spoiled me once too. A character was once listed with a different last name than I was familiar with, so I knew who she would marry to have that name (I shouldn't name the show and characters, cuz that would spoil.). Imagine if you were watching a Harry Potter tv show and the credits said Hermione POTTER -- you'd be pretty sure that Harry and Hermione were going to get married.


Wasn't Lost one of those shows where EVERYTHING happened anyway? Everybody dies. Everybody comes back to life. It was all a dream. It wasn't all a dream. Time travel changes everything anyway. Etc...


Actually don't answer that, in case someone doesn't want spoilers for Lost. I fell off the Lost band wagon in season 2 or 3... so I'm a shit source of info for Lost.


He he... What happened to not believing you could run into spoilers unless you were looking for them? Seriously, though, I hardly see how the things you mentioned could have spoiled the experience. Is knowing the episodes where things are going to be revealed really different from when you were watching only some buffy episodes, skipping the superfluous ones? Guess it could be, what do I know.


I think it's best to just respect her wishes here. I can certainly see how she would find people pointing out foreshadowing to her constantly as frustrating and annoying. Also, she has watched every single episode of the show, there were just some that she didn't record her reactions to. But she's reacting to every episode from here on out.


Imagine that you are starting a new TV series that was recommended by a friend. Imagine that this friend is constantly telling you, "The next episode is the worst one.", "You're going to love the next episode.", "I can't wait to see whether you love or hate the next episode.". Would his comments improve your experience, or take away from it? Now imagine that 100 people are saying these kinds of things to you about EVERY episode. If you are willing to try to see another person's perspective, I think you'll realize that people's comments are detracting from the channel.


Wow. First of all, calm down. And of course I can have a position on whether I find them spoilers or not. Having seen the show does not alter that view point. Do get outside yourself for just a micro second and try to remember a simple thing. I STATED THAT IT WAS MY OPINION AND NOT THAT SHE WAS WRONG TO FEEL THE WAY THAT SHE FELT AND ASK FOR THOSE COMMENTS TO STOP. For the record, I myself did not reveal anything, and in fact did feel annoyed at the information she was given. However, I was relieved they turned out to be much less spoilery, in terms of what was going to happen that episode, than I had feared. So I was simply teasing her for her prior comments about not being able to get spoiled. I did not dismiss her concerns, so perhaps you could concede that I am not the ABSOLUTE height of arrogance.


I can agree with you, UTU49, though I must honestly say that in her place, those comments wouldn't have bothered me.

Hannah Grangaard Gaudesen

you propably called Anya for "emma" because thats the actors name and thats whats was on the screen :P

Tommy Ross

UTU49 - Thank you for doing your best to uphold decency in this toxic void.