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Buffy The Vampire Slayer S05E04 - Out Of My Mind FULL REACTION.mp4 - Onehub

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I was bored and watched the next three Buffy episodes you'd react to yesterday so was glad to see some are up now!


Wrong video.


OMG squeee! I've been waiting for your reaction to this, but am gonna go watch things in order and watch your Replacement reaction first. :)


Because of the ending? Me too and I just finished Replacement so I can watch this one now :)


About your money question: I'm not sure about US Dollars but Euros are easy to rip. But you can go to a bank and turn in the bigger piece for a new one(it has to be at least 50,1% of the full bill, so you can't rip a 100€ bill in two pieces and get 2 100€ bills in return^^). I guess it's similar in the US.

Paul Gibson

They always like to do a couple of early episodes in a season to deal with and wrap up any lingering things from the previous season

Hans Olav

Can we pleasepleasepleaseplease have 05x05 today too? Please.


Been looking forward to this for sooooooo long and it didn't disappoint. Absolutely buzzing. Didn't think I'd ever get that from watching Buffy again.


Currency Question: Australia was one of the first countries in the world to adopt notes made out of polymer. These are highly durable and, as you demonstrated, difficult to tear. By contrast the US sticks with 'paper' money made out of a mixture of cotton and linen. At least it's biodegradable!


Loved the reaction. You were just talking about how Spike and Buffy should date :) well....Spike likes/loves Buffy. So, we're half way to a Spike Buffy love scene!


No cereal prizes? That's tragic. The best cereal prizes were made by Rosenhain and Lipmann (R&L) based in Melbourne. From 1959-77 they made 70 different sets of plastic toys; snap together toys and cool little figures. Kingly Critter from the 1968 Crater Critters set is the holy grail piece, Home of the best cereal toys now doesn't have any... that's not right :)


Fun reaction. Some pretty weird stuff in this ep.


I think American Money is printed on a type of cotton. Enjoyed your reaction to the ending. Was the same as mine when I first saw this episode.


Part way through this episode, I remembered that this was the episode with THAT ending. I was thinking, "Oh, THIS is going to knock her socks off."


Ah yes... the Joyce-Riley-Spike triple bill episode.

Chris Peacock

So enough people have answered the money thing, but I feel it's important to add that Buffy is the one who ripped it. American money is easy to rip, but let's pretend that the money was made out of thin layers of steel. Buffy could have ripped it regardless. She's Buffy. :)


Loved your reaction to the end of the episode! I felt the same way when I saw it.

Cheyne Johnson

Sarah Michelle Gellar did a shampoo commercial around the time this aired. The writers poking a little fun at her.


This is the weirdest Riley sequence of episodes. It was literally the last episode when he was saying how he was totally cool with the slayer thing, and then... this stuff. I don't know if the writers just couldn't figure out what to do with him or what.

Michael Roach

I get so much enjoyment from watching you react to this show. Loved your reaction to this episodes final scene. Thank you for all your efforts.


I don’t think the writers knew what to do with Riley, they made him this Boy Scout who doesn’t do anything wrong and would never hurt Buffy, but then we’re like he is boring and generates no drama. So we end up with these manufacturered issues that basically come out of no where. I’m not a fan of Riley, he is marginally better than Matt, but honestly I blame the writers completely for that.

Jon Dub

If you think about it, it makes perfect sense that Spike is in love with Buffy, think about all the Vampire relationships in the show, Darla and Angel, Spike and Drusilla, they are all based around violence, pain and torment. Vampires are demons after all, they thrive on violence and pain, its what they get off on, and no one has provided more pain and torment for Spike than Buffy.

Alexis Cardarella

Yeah, he said "commercial shampooed hair." lol I always thought he was just referring to her beautiful hair. But also, SMG DID do a shampoo commercial.


I believe Riley is totally in love with her, slayer and the girl... but he knows deep inside she isnt in love with him; not the way she maybe could or should be... he keeps wanting to be faster, stronger, more impressive... he’s old school, used to guys taking care of their girls and saving the day, not used to it being the other way round and i guess at this moment in the show, he wants to be super-bf for her in hopes she will love him; not be regular-joe who cant keep up and is nowhere in her league (in his opinion). Totally not a riley fan at all btw lol; but i do understand his pov too... he just had heart surgery and almost died and shes like “ok wel gonna go see mom cos she had a headache earlier” lol


Its super upsetting to think of it like that really... though in all the angel and darla scenes they were never viscious or fighting eachother; they worked as a team to do that to everyone else... and Dru relied heavily on Spike and he cared for her and took care of her (they didnt really attack each other, not really - definitely not like how buffy beats up spike lol!) BUT it does make sense. Plus Spike loves strong women, and has been forced to be around her and rely on her a lot in the past year; maybe seen the other side of the coin (not being able to hurt and kill people, he has to think about things more)

Timotey Kuhn

(without reading if anyone else has tried to answer it... LOL) In regards to your money question....Yes. American money is indeed that easy to rip, since it's still made of "paper". They\re backwards that way. LOL. Their bills are still easily rippable paper & they don't have a coin for their one dollar note. Barbarians, I tell you! Tee Hee....... (fun side fact.....we Canadians finally joined the sane world along with you fine folks Down Under about 5 years ago and started making our bills out of the same non rippable polymer that your notes are made of. ":D Yayyy Us!!! ;)

Timotey Kuhn

(continues mt stream of consciousness spiel).....It's just fine if you don't like where Riley is going as a character and say so. Heck, what you are thinking about what is happening on screen is why we are here. So keep letting us know when you like things and when you don't like things, because no show, no matter how otherwise celebrated, is without flaw.

Timotey Kuhn

(gets to the end).... You okay?... LOL. Between the reminder that Buffy has had a little sister all this time, and now this.... you seem a bit......shaken.... :P


Well, actually, thin layers of steel are just as easy to rip as aluminum foil, and as for those Australian or Canadian bills, strength wouldn't be enough to rip them, they would probably just stretch.


Except Americans do have a one dollar coin, the Sacagawean coin. So we are only half savages ! And at least our bills aren't bigger the larger the amount, so you can hide larger bills under smaller ones.