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I have had a few people pledge me and delete their pledge before having to pay for it.

I don't know why Patreon allows this but here's the thing.

I make this content, I spend hours recording, editing, uploading and doing just that bit extra for people who want the extra stuff, hense the Patreon tiers.

I'm 22 years old, currently unemployed and doing this as a hobby. YouTube has yet to monetize my videos because they're just so behind in doing so. Patreon is my only source of income at the moment as sad as it is to say.

I don't do this for the money, I do it for the enjoyment. However, I cannot do anything if I don't have the money to survive. By pledging money for extra content/early content you're helping me to do so - and in return you get a little something out of it in the form of extra stuff. 

By deleting your pledge before paying for it, you're essentially abusing the system. It shows me when someone pledges money to me which means it also shows when people delete said pledge. I am able to get you blocked by the click of a button if it happens. 

I put a lot of time and effort into this and I don't like being cheated. From here onward, I'm going to monitor this to make sure it doesn't happen again.

Thank you to everyone who hasn't done this - I love everyone in the community and I want to express my gratitude towards those of you who continually give me support no matter what :)!

Have a happy Easter!



Get em!


Some people really suck. I'm glad you have a way of finding out when people do this kind of thing, and that you can block them. Happy Easter to you, too!


Patreon should obligate people pay for the first month if they choose to back out. Hope people will stop doing that in the future. Happy Easter :)


Happy Easter to you too. I got a Patreon account just so I can give you a tiny bit of money. When I did career day at school, this wasn't one of the choices. (Better than Buffy's career day.) I know what happens next in Buffy, Angel, Shield - seen all of them bunch o' times. I pretty curious about what your channel will be when you've finished those. Social media tech is basically sci-fi. Glad to hear you can block people who suck. :) (At least a few of the people probably had problems setting up their account.)


Well this is unfortunate.


I would like to raise the possibility that someone could intend to pledge for just one or two months and accidentally stop their pledge before actually paying once. I totally agree that Patreon should make it not possible to do that. To deliberately pledge and then cancel before paying -- I totally agree that this is abuse of the system. I hope this doesn't happen very much, becuz it would certainly be unfair to you.


I already wondered why it said in the pledge confirmation, that they would charge me on April 1st. Sad to see that ppl are actually abusing the system.

David Lally

What dicks. Very not cool. Sorry this happens mate, but I promise you I'll never do this

David Lally

I recall Torchwoodboy complaining of people doing this, and his solution was to block them. They're leeches who think they're clever. I'd happily pay more if i weren't between jobs myself. Being broke sucks


I just pledged for the month. There might be some months where I have deposit but of course I. There might be some months where I have to pause. I know Philip DeFranco takes the money for the month that you start the day you start and then the money for each month on the 1st. It might be a setting so I would look into that maybe email patreon. I know that there was a way to fix it I just don't know how


To pause it not deposit

Liam Harrold

Its a shame but it happens to eveyones patreon don't get me wrong its a total dick move and all fir you blocking them

Tammy L. Faulkner

Wow... You annd Torchwood Boy seem to be having this issue right now. If i could i would pledge more for sure. I look forward to your videos each week and they deserve the suport. Keep it up😽