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Buffy The Vampire Slayer S04E07 - The Initiative FULL REACTION.mp4 - Onehub

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Ok girl... I'm disappointed a bit! I loved you rocking out to the intro, but... go back. LOOK. Notice the CHANGE. ;) (still watching the ep, more comment later)

Jason Short

Spike in the opening credits how Spike a main character how


Okay, done now. HOOOO boy, I've been eagerly awaiting this for awhile, for probably obvious reasons. :) This is not only a game changer, but the beginning of a really wacky ride that's going to make the next two weeks SUPER duper fun. ;) I particularly loved your reactions to Xander's epic mortal kombat, and of course all the Initiative reveals. The look on yout face throughout the elevator ride as the dots are slowly connected is priceless. :) Spike's ability to hit people in this episode was a highly technical term that Joss Whedon likes to call "a mistake". :) The implant is supposed to prevent even hitting anyone, and from now on that's how it will act. They tried to minimize the issue by having him just throw people around, so you could make the argument that he didn't intend them any harm and therefore the implant didn't kick in to shock him. Or you could say that the implant didn't fully take hold because they hadn't had a chance to bring him in for the last procedure. Whatever head canon works for you. ;)


Spikey! hahaha that's great. Isn't Spike's reactions with every character just the best? I just wanted to say thank you for a FULL reaction i always love these, especially when you do Buffy. Can't wait for more ;)

Michael Joseph

The fact the Spike attacks people in the hallway and in The Initiative is an acknowledged mistake- the people who edited the episode didn't get the memo apparently.

Chris Peacock

The fanbase is kind of split about Riley. No matter which side you fall on you agree with about half of us. :)

Chris Peacock

But he is almost nobodies favorite love interest for Buffy. Even among those that like him.


That Xander/Harmony fight is the best fight ever. I'm convinced they were reenacting a fight they'd had when they were 6 years old.


Your reaction to the reveal of Professor Walsh (the evil bitch-monster of death) was priceless!

Michael Roach

Okay my favorite part was your reaction to Spike calling Harmony his little "mentholated pack of smokes". Of course from his point of view, that was a great compliment. Spike is so funny...


I never saw that as him complimenting Harmony. You can see in the minute prior that he's been searching for something; I saw that as the real reason he was in the cave, and that Harmony was just an annoyance he had to put up with to get his cigarettes.


I googled "teutonic"and I still don't know what it means lol...so glad to see you back! :D I very much enjoy air drumming along with your air guitar ;)


Always love a full reaction!


You completely missed the fact that James Marsters (Spike) became a cast member...


More Buffy reactions! Less of everything else :-)