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I'm really sorry but some videos may not show up early on Patreon this week.

I am quite ill at the moment coupled with pains of my wisdom teeth coming in - I understand that as a pledge, I made a promise to release content to you guys early - I just however, cannot do so as I have not been able to even watch said episodes due to being in so much pain.

I will make it up to you guys some how - with The Vampire Diaries I have done 2 extra episodes for you guys. 

I hope you guys understand, I feel unbelievably bad and like I have let you guys down. I will get well as quickly as I can. I apologise. 



So sorry you are feeling bad! These things happen. Take all the time you need to get better. We'll still be here.

Timotey Kuhn

Incredibly sweet of you to put it like that., but don't you feet about "making it up to us". You're dealing with the agonising hell of wisdom teeth plus being being sick. Please don't worry about that with us. You've done you part in informing us there will be a delay. Now you focus your energy on getting better and that's that. Don't pay us another mind while you're in this current state. You just get better now.


I'm sorry you're not feeling well. You definitely have my sympathy on the wisdom teeth, that can be brutal. Don't worry about us, just think about getting better.

Nancy Nicolai

Sweetie don't worry about us at all but you do need to get those wisdom teeth pulled out hon bc I've been there all 4 of mine came in at the same time except for one they had to cut out before it abscessed so my advice is run don't walk to a dentist bc it may be the only solution to your pain plus you might get some great pain meds👍💊good luck and I really hope you feel better soon!!!💊😷💪


Probably pretty loopy from the meds for the wisdom teeth too, yea? I remember not remembering several days after I had mine pulled. Just relax, don't eat anything liquidy that may drip out of your mouth and down your clothes, and we'll see you when you feel better. Much love.


Doing Patreon stuff is like a job in some ways, and like any job, you're more than entitled to the following benefits: * Sick Time * Vacation Time * Periodic raises (like bump your patreon fees by a dollar every year or two) You're doing GREAT, and it's all cool!


Raises aye? $7 to $14 here I come!! It's the chinese new year right ;) so it's a new year correct? ;) Just kidding hehe!


Wisdom teeth are the worst. Feel better!


By 2030, I certainly HOPE you're charging $14 a month. :) Of course, by then we'll be watching you react to holodeck programs.