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Supernatural Season 2 - Gag Reel Reaction

Season 2 Gag reel for Supernatural Patreon Only. Thank you!



Their gag reels are legendary. They get better and crazier over time. So much back story to some of what we see in the gag reels. The writers seem to all have decided that Dean loves to eat, so Jensen has gotten good at making it look like he eats, when he really spits most of it out between takes. Apparently the food isn't all even very good. Jared has a habit of getting the giggles during taping and they just have to let it run its course some times. And they really do have a brotherly bond. They became friends right from the get go. Their friendship is also legendary. Basically, everyone that works with them says they are two awesome dudes and great to work with. Pranks are a big part of the cast and crews on-and off-set antics. The water over the boys when they went down that tube thing was payback from the director (Kim Manners) for what the boys did to him previously. Seems like a really fun set.


Oh, forgot. Jared passing gas is also a "thing". Apparently it's common. Poor Jensen!


jensen was really in dawsons creek. its a 90s teen drama, i think its ok :D