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- the biggest gloss over for me is how they went straight to everyone is fine with Max being back from the dead. Business as usual. - good point, I never thought of that theoretically the same thing should have happened to the Dupes when Zan got killed. King Rath would be twice as stupid and impulsive. - random stuff we learn about Jesse in this episode who we hardly know: he owns a gun and he watches random cooking shows to decompress even though we've never seen him near a stove or a grill.


I liked this episode. I just cant help but like it. I just enjoy the vibes. I can admit season 3 is very messy but its so fun to watch. I love the characters and the actors. Im excited for New Mexico but im gonna miss this cast and their chemistry. And this isnt a spoiler since its to be expected but their characters will be new interpretations so they could end up feeling completely different, especially with different actors. It sucks this show didnt get 7 or 8 seasons like buffy or charmed. Its a good comfort show that has romance at the forefront. The cheesiness has that early 2000s vibe which is the best. Speaking of New Mexico do you know anything at all about it? Even the smallest thing or are you going in completely blind? I only remember season 1 of NM and parts of season 2 but i quit after that bc life just got in the way between season breaks and never had the chance to continue.


> > > !!!FOR SHANNAN!!! < < < 1. Don't do it Jesse ...Don't trust that doctor ...He's a snake 2. Yeah sure ...Let's add some glowy lights on Michaels chest to the mix ...We got time 3. Man ...Imagine being in a relationship where you can't be honest with eachother ...How's about you just tell her the truth Jesse?! ...If you can't be honest and open with eachother then perhaps maybe they should wipe your memory and you should leave .......Can they wipe his memory? I dunno ...added after... Aight so they end the episode with him just staying?? ...Dude ...You're CLEARLY. not ok with this whole relationship and all the drama ...Be a grownup and LEAVE! ...But then again ..We got 3 episodes left ..We don't have time for that shit 4. Oh ok the chest lights mean he's now in charge?? Sure ...Why not 5. Yeeeeeeaaaah... Mayor Wilkins was ALREADY. thinking the mob was after Jesse AND. he was planning on helping him disappear ....Now Michael just made it worse by threatening him ...This is not gonna end well for anyone ...Michael's been "in charge" for 2 minutes and has already managed to make things worse ....Who thought this was a good idea?? 6. But y'know what's even more dumb about this??? ....Michael to Mayor Wilkins: "What kinda man listens to another person's secrets for a living!?" ......Eeeehmm.. A therapist Michael... Maybe you should see one? 7. Yip... We've got 3 episodes left now and we're mixing it up with Michael taking over as the leader AND. Jesse getting the FBI involved ....This WASN'T necessary ...The Michael being the leader bit DOESN'T work ...It never has... He's too hot-headed ....And the FBI bit WOULD. have easily worked just solely due to the dad's investigation ....WHY. have it be cause of Jesse seeing a demon snake??? Why add all this extra shit?? We're on a clock people!!! 8. Yeeeeeeaaah... Considering Max and Isabel are the same age ...Calling your brother in law a "kid" ....Kiiiiiiiinda comes off like you're a child predator who married an underage girl ...I say kinda cause she's still 18 ...Or maybe 19 ....But the "kid" part makes it come off weird 9. Oh ok... The FBI has a bunch of files on Max and the gang??? And they've just been sitting on this shit the entire time?? Just waiting until someone would phone it in ...Aight... Sure 10. Oh great.. Max is losing his powers ....I loooooooove stories where the character loses their powers ...I'm sooooo down for this shit /sarcasm ...added later... Ok he took the powers back ...Good ...I'm glad he just KNEW. how to do that 11. Hooooooooooold the fuck up there Michael... "I told Isabel not to bring another human into the secret.. But she was so in love so Max said yes" ....Bish... YOU'RE. the one who told Jesse!!! ...If YOU. hadn't run your mouth and just came up with some bullshit ...EVERYTHING. could have been fine!! ....I say "could" ...Cause how do you lie your way out of "Your wife has been shot but we can't call the ambulance" 12. GHWAT!?!?! Jesse had a gun pulled on him ...How in the FUCK. did he manage to kill this TRAINED. FBI agent??? ....This shit don't make no goddamn sense! ...added later... Oh Jesse had a gun of his own?? Ehm... Hello?? He STILL. had a gun pulled on him... As in... The barrel of the gun was pointed STRAIGHT. at Jesse!!! ...What in the FUCK. was up with this agent's trigger response?!!?