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I like jeff and lester when they are goofy, weird and chaotic, not when they are pervy or gross so i really enjoyed them this episode. Yeah ive been dreading these episodes since you started the show, i know how much you hate amnesia storylines but also it didnt come out of nowhere either, it already happened to morgan but in a much smaller way. So at least it wasnt just sudden, which i find way more annoying. I dont think Sarah is technically out of character at all with amnesia, shes actually back to herself before she met chuck. So at least we can see how much she changed. Do you think they will be able to fix it before the end of the series or not? I do have a few things i want to say on the series finale but i know you wont be able to make a separate video for them so i hope you will still read them! Ive been enjoying your ride with this series and its sad that its coming to an end, im still hoping for a new movie at some point even though the chances are low lol but the cast seem willing to come back for a movie so never say never i guess. Zachary Levi has been trying to get a movie to happen. Hope it happens one day but im not expecting it. Hope you enjoy the next couple episodes, even with the amnesia. :)

Jeremy Burch

In the previous episode, Morgan really didn't need to care what Alex did when they weren't together, they were broken up, she could do whatever she wanted and he doesn't have a say, especially since he hooked up with Bo Derek. Speaking of which, how many times can they say Bo Derek in one episode. I guess they were really excited that they got her in the show. I know of her, but I've never seen any of her movies. The Jeff and Lester story for the last 2 episodes was probably the best storyline, they've had this entire series, they also helped save the day. Even though this is a short season, it feels like they've done they same thing as the last few seasons, starting with one story, this season Morgan having the intersect, Decker and Shaw and all of that, then doing some random episodes in between, before moving to the second story with Nicholas Quinn. Amnesia stories are something I've always hated as well, I find them annoying, I can be alright with them a little, if there quick and have a good emotional payoff, but even then I don't really like them. Although, I don't know if Sarah will act out of character, I think she'll just act like the Sarah before Chuck. Someone who followed orders and was definitely willing to kill people.