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> > > !!!FOR SHANNAN!!! < < < 1. To come back to that note for a bit ....I meeeeaaaann... On second thought ....Hypothetically speaking .....IF. Liz HAD. peed on the chair ...It would've been a QUICK. end to the interview ...I DOUBT. she'd had gotten into Harvard with that bold strategy though ....Sooooo yeah ..."Bee on the chair" would probably have been the smarter move ...Just fake it and say you're allergic to bees and have to rush out ...Then again ...This guy is from Harvard ...I'm guessing he's smart enough to deduce there's no bee in the room ...........Ok ...Liz... Quick question... How much have you had to drink today? 2. Oh someone is trynna get some DNA evidence on Michael? .....I bet it's Max's dad ...He's brought some more people in on his investigation ...This is gonna go GREAT.! ...added later... Ok ..I guess I was wrong there 3. Hmmm... Seems I'm gonna have to lower the audio of the episode a bit during the edit ...I'm just past the intro now and having trouble with understanding everything you're saying ...But for the moment ...It'll make it easier to follow the episode I guess 4. Ooooorrr maybe the company Michael is working for all of a sudden figured out there's something different about him ...Sure ...Let's introduce this into the mix while we're almost done with the show 5. Aight ...So even though Liz told Max off for a bunch of hypocritical bullshit ...And the logical thing to do would be to completely ghost the SHIT. outta her ....Apparently Max instead decided to dial simp-mode up to 11 out of 10 and SOMEHOW. get the phone number for her floor at the all-girl boarding school 6. Right... Sure... It's now been at least 2 days or whatever and Michael and Valenti are following a pair of foot prints towards some storage area ....We're just going to ASSUME. that the killer was the ONLY. person who walked through this hallway in the past couple of days and that Michael's footprints don't show up in that blacklight (he's walking backwards while spraying the floor in front of Valenti who is holding the blacklight) cause he's an alien and aliens don't leave footprints 7. Aight Maria ...Good on you for sticking up for yourself and NOT. being a corporate puppet 8. Ok Liz calm the fuck down ....You're telling this girl "It's been really rocky since then" ....Bish... No ...It was perfectly fine up until the last episode ...I mean... Sure you robbed some place and your dad's been up your ass about you dating Max ....But that's normal teen stuff 9. Yeah nah ...."Technically he's a cheater" ....No ...You guys split up ...You pretended to have slept with your ex ....You WEREN'T together!! Max DIDN'T cheat! ...Y'know what this is giving me??? This is Liz being a girl thinking she can ditch Max and keep her in her back pocket as a backup option ....Fuuuuuuuuccck yoooouuu Liz! 10. Okaaaaayy... So Max, Michael and Isabel are sneaking into the place at around the 35 minute mark of the episode ....Cool.. Great... Go save Valenti you guys ....BUT... We see Isabel sneaking out of her house and ALL. OF. A. SUDDEN.... We have Jesse following her cause apparently he's suspicious of her??? ......What's up with this last minute addition to the story?? ...added later... Ah ok this is a 2 parter ...Fair enough I guess 11. Ehm... Valenti??? ...The fuck is wrong with your judgement there mah dude?? This lady rolls in some old ass dude claiming he's her husband and she wants Max to heal him and your first thought is she wants his money???? .....I'm pretty fucking sure it'd be counter-productive to have him get healed in order for that to work .....Unless Valenti SOMEHOW. knows that the guy didn't include her in his will or something ......Odd thing to call her out on there mah dude 12. Max just turned into dust??? The fuck is this??? Buffy The Vampire Slayer?!? ...Are we just gonna continue the rest of the show with Max being dead??? ....Find out next time ...On Dragon Ball Z! 13. You: "I need to decompartmentalise ...Is that the right word?" ....Nah Froots... Not unless you mean to remove excessive compartmentalization from an organization ...You meant decompress ...As in to relax after a stressful activity ..Ya dope


Just caught up with you, and I have a lot to say. Big warning: a lot of my opinions will be unpopular considering the way the comments have been. I'm sorry in advance. First off, I want to say I do not like that Alex died. I also don't like that Tess was the one to kill him and that Max slept with Tess. I felt like it caused unnecessary drama, and also Max didn't truly love her; he was just doing it because he felt like he needed to. Season 3 so far has been really great for me. For most of the season, the two ships I like have been together: Michael & Maria and Max & Liz. Even these last few episodes when they broke up, it still doesn't feel like it's permanent. They are still very much interacting with each other; it feels like something that will be resolved soon. It doesn't feel like season 2 when they forcibly separated Max and Liz. It's clear to me that Liz and Max will be much closer after what happened to him. I haven't seen the rest of the season, so this is not a spoiler; it's just a guess. I also can't see how Michael and Maria aren't endgame; even when they are broken up, they aren't really broken up, lol. I would say season 3 could be my favorite season. If not, it's right below season 1. I like where Isabelle and Jesse are now, but I do not like how they got there. It did feel too rushed, but now that they are settled, I actually like their relationship and him as a character. I just wish it had been done better. But I do think it would have been much better if Alex had never died and they had just replaced Jesse with Alex. It would make much more sense for Alex and Isabelle to get married that fast since they would have been together longer, and since she knew him for years before that. I really like Alex; he's the sweetest guy on the show, in my opinion. I do think I know what they did with Isabelle. To me, it felt like she still hasn't accepted Alex's death and is using Jesse as a rebound and forced a marriage to get over him so she can get that off her mind. That's the way I saw it, though. I do want to say I don't think Liz thinks what Max did was really cheating. She even said in episode 13 he didn't technically cheat. I think deep down she's just mad at herself for breaking up with him and doesn't know how to deal with the emotions, so she blames him, which isn't a good thing. But I can see her point of view, and I respect that she never wanted to say those things; it just came out after being really sick and she just blew up. She immediately regrets it, and it's clear it has been on her mind for a while. While the show does have inconsistent writing, I can't help but love it. It's just a lot of fun, especially with the early 2000s vibes. I can tell how much fun the writers were having. I really love the quirky episodes because they are different and creative. They are fun. Oh, and I feel like they have used their powers more in this season than in season 1 or 2. I honestly forgot they even had powers most of the time. Now it seems like they are using their powers all the time. I like it. I do have to say that I'm extremely sad this show is coming to an end. I just watched 19 of your reactions in the span of two days, so I feel like I've become way more attached than normal. I really don't want this show to end; I wish it had a few more seasons. I understand Roswell, New Mexico is next, but the characters will all be different interpretations and just be different, and the actors will definitely be different. I just want to see more of this, you know? I'm very optimistic, as you can tell, so I'm not going to take these last few episodes for granted because I know when I'm done with it, I will still be wanting to watch more. Sorry for getting so weird there; I just bonded with the characters and show and don't want to let it go so soon. I truly hope you enjoy the last few episodes of the season and that it has a good finale. If you actually read this whole thing, then give yourself a pat on the back!