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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/8y83n9r8pizxwqk32lhhx/The-Bourne-Identity-2002-FULL-MOVIE-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=6140a28r8uh3pvij6gixdht38&st=qdkem3a3&dl=0

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The fight scenes are horribly cutty but I love a good espionage story, amnesia trope I don’t mind cause he’s trying to find out who he really is like what’s his real name, why did he sign up for this it’s like Wolverine

Patrick - Excelsior

I saw this soon after it came out. I believe I downloaded it rather than theater. John Wick is a "Shoot' em up" style action movie. This is more spy drama action movie. More along James Bond than John Wick. side note: There is a movie with Clive Owen (who played the assassin that Bourne killed in the forest by the cottage) called Shoot "Em Up. It takes the genre to an extreme of believability. As Brandon said, the cutting up the action sequence was and is a filming style for action scenes. It is supposed to be disorienting, Trying to show the perspective of being in a high speed fight. There was only a small amount of CGI/green screen in movie. The director was not a fan of it. I enjoyed this movie and reaction. Its up to you, but would definitely watch a reaction to the next movie in this franchise.