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> > > !!!FOR SHANNAN!!! < < < 1. Yeeeeeeah.. My notes are long sometimes ...But to me it's often the BEST. part about these recordings (With Ally probably the only part ...Sorry not sorry) ....Also... You just messaged me you watched 5x10 and that it was ridiculous ....Get ready for a FUCKTON. of notes? ...The episode will start in about an hour y'all! ...Again ..Sorry not sorry ...added later... Ok I didn't have as many notes as I expected to have ...Still the usual amount ..That's not gonna change ...Like I said this is the only good part about these recordings ...Nope ..Still not sorry 2. Aaaaand that's how Ally got a new house ...But dammit ...Wouldn't it have been funny if she stepped backwards onto the street to look at her new crib and she got hit by a bus?? ...That's what happened in my mind and it made me chuckle more than the entire episode managed to do ....Yeah ...I haven't watched the entire episode yet by the time I'm typing this ...But I'm pretty confident in that statement 3. Soooooo... Ally has enough money to just buy a house like that ...But I'm guessing she doesn't have enough to have someone else fix it up ...Cause who FUCK. would WANT. to fix a house theirselves if they could have a professional do it for them??? 4. Yeah nah ....New Girl and Regina DEFINITELY. got a sexual assault case on their hands ...That chair ITSELF. didn't give them those feelings ....The guy put them in there and then CLEARLY. had some sort of response to having them lay in that chair ....Dude most DECIDEDLY. sexually assaulted them 5. Yeah Ally what are you doing?? Don't you know that men are supposed to be the providers??? You can't buy that house ...Then a man won't have anything to hold over you ....This message is brought to you by the TV show "Ally McBazinga" and is NOT. endorsed in ANY. way by the person making these notes 6. Did mah dude Cyclops just get jealous over a vibrating chair?? ....Really?? It's a good thing he lives in 2002 and not in 2032 where I'm SURE. someone will make it legal to be in a long binding relationship with an inanimate object 7. Really?? ...It took you the ENTIRE. episode to doubt if that really was Bon Jovi?? ...Hooooollly shit ....C'mon Froots... You're not THAT. young that you wouldn't be able to recognise Bon Jovi 8. Yeeeeeaah... Grown women don't sniff guys butts Ally ...It's fucking weird 9. Oh gawd ....Dude... Don't tell Ally she can fly ...She's so mentally unstable she might actually believe you 10. Ok dude... If this guy managed to break into your house 9 times ....Perhaps YOU'RE the one who is at fault here??? ....Y'know ...1 time ...UGH ...2 times..... 3 times... YIKES... But 9 times and you didn't THINK. to install some security?!?! ....That's on you mah dude! 11. Ok so this guy thinks he can create some wings that will allow him to fly ...Man.. If only there wasn't a fuckton of documented reports of people who tried the EXACT. same thing before they invented the plane ....Yeah ...Dude... You're crazy ..Accept it 12. Yeeeeeah for a 100th episode... This is VERY. underwhelming ....We really got spoiled with some shows to the point where our expectations just can't be met anymore 13. Yeah sure let the man try to fly ...Dude is dying from cancer (which MIGHT. be treatable) ...Why NOT. send him to an early grave? ....Man ...Ally should get sued for this one ...added later... Nope ...She's just fine?? ...Ok.. Sure 14. Bon ....Can I call you Bon ...Mah dude... Don't listen to Ally's advice on love ...She gives HORRIBLE. advice ...She tries to sabotage her OWN. relationships cause of stupid shit basically every episode ....DON'T. LISTEN. to her! 15. Dude jumps off roof and DOESN'T die? ....BUUUUUUUUUUUUUULLL...SHIT!!! .....I'm TRYING. to remember more of the show ....Trying to figure things out here .....But I'm fairly confident that THIS. is probably the most unbelievable shit I've seen on this show ....Just when I thought they couldn't POSSIBLY. drop the bar ANY. lower ....They went ahead... Bought a shovel and dug a hole and dropped that bar right in there ..Then they smirked.. Turned to the camera and said: "Didn't see that one coming did ya fuckers?!!" .......Me sitting here with one eyebrow so raised up out of disbelief that it's just permanently stuck in place now: Eeehhh... Sure as FUCK. didn't! 16. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Dude died of a heart attack!?!?! ....I'm sorry ...But that's actually funny ....Dude had cancer ...SHOULD. have gotten treatment ...But instead Ally talked him into jumping off the fucking roof ....Dude made it to the other side of the river ...But then died of a fucking heart attack ....That's lowkey kinda priceless ....BIG. lesson there folks... NEVER. listen to Ally's advice on ANYTHING. 17. The wife comes into Ally's office and is VERY. ok with the fact Ally helped her husband with the jump ....Bish ...Nah ...She should be suing her ass for this shit ....Take ALL. of Ally's money ....Ally might aswell be complicit to murder (Probably doesn't work like that.. But do it anyways! Why not?) .....I mean ...She TALKED. a man into JUMPING. OFF. THE. ROOF!!!! ...Pretty sure there's some sort of law against talking people into what could be potential suicide ....And KNOWING. he was sick and STILL. doing it ....This was AAAAAAALLLLLL. kindsa FUCKED. UP. 18. You got this Froots ...12 more episodes and you'll NEVER. have to watch this show EVER. again ...12 episodes is NOTHING. ....Don't be quitter! You've given up on other shows before and even refused to watch certain episodes and still thought you could call yourself a completionist ...But not this time... You CAN. do this!

Patrick - Excelsior

Its like the producers know the show is horrible and they keep trying to do something to make it better so they keep throwing everything they can think of at it, but it just becomes more chaotic and stupid. I mean at a MINIMUM they could have at least made the wings look aerodynamic, so it would be believable that the wind caught it and gave some lift like a kite. But no, they make it look completely moronic. Not all shows at that time did special things on anniversary episodes, even if they do recognize it as one. I would not blame you one bit if you threw in the towel on this show. Declare it the sequel to Krypton. Take it to the gravel pit and call Kristi Noem. (sorry for that joke)