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Well I like that episode lol I thought it was cute


1. You said there's no story going on... I dunno about that ...While it's VERY. slow paced and they kinda need to kick it into high gear since we're running out of episodes ...There's several storylines going on ...Max is (somewhat) looking for his son ...Max and Isabel's dad is looking into their past ...Isabel is dealing with marriage to a guy she barely knows ...Michael and Maria are having relationship issues ....There ARE. storylines ...Just yeah ...They're moving too slow ...Perhaps it's a side-effect of us KNOWING. the show is going to end and we want to see SOMETHING. come out of all of this 2. You can't really justify your opinion on music being played by comparing it to movies and tv shows you've watched ...I remember actually going to school parties back around that time cause I still had somewhat of a life and the choice in music was pretty on point with what played at that party ...Sorry to burst your bubble there Froots ...The media you watched didn't paint an accurate picture of what life REALLY. was like 3. Beeteedubs.. Foo Fighters have some good songs ..I still have a few in my car ...The song in 3x10 however WASN'T them ...It was Get This Party Started by Toby Mac ...I just listened to the song a bit ...Their style sounds like a cross between Limp Bizkit and Beastie Boys ...Which were still kinda popular around that time ...A classmate of mine was HEAVILY. into Limp Bizkit music 4. First of all.. Yes.. That was a LOT. of syrup Isabel just poured over that toast ...2nd ...Who the hell pours syrup on someone else's food like that?? I'd like to avoid that kind of person ....I'm not a baby.. I can handle that my damn self ...Besides I'm the kind of person who likes to put stuff on the side 5. Ok so while I JUST. defended the show for having storylines ....THIS. episode definitely feels like a filler with all the sit-com stuff thrown in ....I hate it when shows do this ...Adding unnecessary filler crap JUST. before the end of the show ...We don't have time to waste on this guys! 6. Ok now I'm getting whiplash from this "I need space" drama between Maria and Michael ...Why the FUCK. is Michael asking Maria out when she said she wants space?? ...Why the HELL. is Maria considering taking him up on the offer??? ....This doesn't make ANY. damn sense.... Are they giving eachother space or GHWAT?!!? ....It's like the writers either don't know what "to give space" MEANS. ....Or they're just winging it with the writing 7. Soooo... Jesse... What you're saying is you apparently feel like you married a complete stranger .....Huh... Weird ...Who would've thought THAT. could happen when you decided to hitch it with a girl you met 6 months prior 8. Yeeeeeeaaah... All this drama over the fact that their secret can potentially leak out ...The only thing they had to do was to TELL. JESSE. THE. TRUTH. ...Everything would be fine ...But nah ...They apparently feel they need to lie to the people they claim to love 9. Ok... That whole "Stay away from my daughter" line better be part of a gag they're going for ....Cause Liz's dad literally came off like he gave Liz permission to be with Max in 3x10 ....If he's switching again then I'm gonna be SUPER. confused 10. Aight ....So Michael might have to explain to this Reporter Guy how he made all those trees move... BUT... Reporter Guy is ALSO. going to have to explain how he teleported behind that tree all of a sudden ....There's no logical way for him to have been behind there after he was JUST. talking to Jesse in the scene right before this one 11. You asked why Michael was at the golf course ...Max suggested Michael needed a hobby ...That he needed to get out of the house instead of watching Nickelodeon all day ...Michael basically was like "Like what? Golf?" ....Aaaaand so he ended up on the golf course ...Weird development but that's how the story had him end up there 12. Yeeeeeaaah they should've told Jesse the truth a long time ago ...I don't foresee this going well now that he just told off his friend for LEGIT. just figuring out the shit that was RIGHT. in front of HIM. (Jesse) the entire time ...Relationships are built on trust and honesty ....And Isabel and Jesse's relationship is severely lacking BOTH.