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And so we finish another show!

Thank you to everyone that has supported me through this shows journey.

I am forever thankful for everyone and this show is amazing.

OneHub link: https://ws.onehub.com/files/ckvjfmza

Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/e0ask6jrvyyt6zglnx9vj/Grimm-S06E13-The-End-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=jhvyklqapifgbnhgjhjbf03kz&st=45ygkcdg&dl=0

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Patrick - Excelsior (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-06 10:48:05 Great reaction Shan. I really enjoyed this reaction and all your Grimm reactions. I appreciate you doing this series. Yeah, once again, I liked the full circle aspect of returning to his Aunt and Mom helping him defeat the ultimate big bad. The "power of his blood line thing was kewl. I also feel the time jump back thing was iffy. I would have rather just seen him heel everyone with the staff. There are a few things I think would have made it better. Maybe with the staff slow splintering as each is healed so that in the end, he has to chose someone to stay dead. The ghost of Renard volunteers to die and his redemption, Misner ghost shows up and guides him on to the after life. The staff finally shatters, cut to Monroe and Nick hiding the broken last piece in the forest in an iron cask. and locking it with magic keys. (like I said, I like full circle stuff) I liked the time jump, but wanted a little more information. Nick retires from police and becomes full time Grimm with the help of kids. Adalind running a law firm and supporting Nick with his Grimm duties. Hank as Mayor and Wu is police Captain. Show the triplets with one a history nerd, one a device tinkerer, and the third a rebellious trouble maker. Bud still just being Bud but now he is the local Vesen council leader. Monroe and Rosalee still together running the spice shop and trying to keep their kids in control. I liked what they did with Diana and Kelly. But still over all, it wasn't the worst I've seen. Everyone stayed true to there characters. No sudden "burn the tower" shifts in personality.
2024-05-01 23:30:53 Great reaction Shan. I really enjoyed this reaction and all your Grimm reactions. I appreciate you doing this series. Yeah, once again, I liked the full circle aspect of returning to his Aunt and Mom helping him defeat the ultimate big bad. The "power of his blood line thing was kewl. I also feel the time jump back thing was iffy. I would have rather just seen him heel everyone with the staff. There are a few things I think would have made it better. Maybe with the staff slow splintering as each is healed so that in the end, he has to chose someone to stay dead. The ghost of Renard volunteers to die and his redemption, Misner ghost shows up and guides him on to the after life. The staff finally shatters, cut to Monroe and Nick hiding the broken last piece in the forest in an iron cask. and locking it with magic keys. (like I said, I like full circle stuff) I liked the time jump, but wanted a little more information. Nick retires from police and becomes full time Grimm with the help of kids. Adalind running a law firm and supporting Nick with his Grimm duties. Hank as Mayor and Wu is police Captain. Show the triplets with one a history nerd, one a device tinkerer, and the third a rebellious trouble maker. Bud still just being Bud but now he is the local Vesen council leader. Monroe and Rosalee still together running the spice shop and trying to keep their kids in control. I liked what they did with Diana and Kelly. But still over all, it wasn't the worst I've seen. Everyone stayed true to their characters. No sudden "burn the tower" shifts in personality.

Great reaction Shan. I really enjoyed this reaction and all your Grimm reactions. I appreciate you doing this series. Yeah, once again, I liked the full circle aspect of returning to his Aunt and Mom helping him defeat the ultimate big bad. The "power of his blood line thing was kewl. I also feel the time jump back thing was iffy. I would have rather just seen him heel everyone with the staff. There are a few things I think would have made it better. Maybe with the staff slow splintering as each is healed so that in the end, he has to chose someone to stay dead. The ghost of Renard volunteers to die and his redemption, Misner ghost shows up and guides him on to the after life. The staff finally shatters, cut to Monroe and Nick hiding the broken last piece in the forest in an iron cask. and locking it with magic keys. (like I said, I like full circle stuff) I liked the time jump, but wanted a little more information. Nick retires from police and becomes full time Grimm with the help of kids. Adalind running a law firm and supporting Nick with his Grimm duties. Hank as Mayor and Wu is police Captain. Show the triplets with one a history nerd, one a device tinkerer, and the third a rebellious trouble maker. Bud still just being Bud but now he is the local Vesen council leader. Monroe and Rosalee still together running the spice shop and trying to keep their kids in control. I liked what they did with Diana and Kelly. But still over all, it wasn't the worst I've seen. Everyone stayed true to their characters. No sudden "burn the tower" shifts in personality.