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The Season 2 Christmas episode is amazing, this one is just a slight bit below and easily my favorite Season 3 episode.

Just James

Not a bad episode, I’m glad Max didn’t heal Samuel I think that’s a bit far fetched for an alien teenager show, but the most far fetched thing about this episode was Jesse ‘going for a walk’ during the football game.


> > > !!!FOR SHANNAN!!! < < < 1. Alright.. Skipped another note so here we go... Repeat time!! ..."It's not the girl I used to be" ....Yeah.. Newsflash Maria... People change ...You should be GLAD. you're not the same person you were before Season 1 started ...I mean.. Did you SEE. that haircut!?!? Obviously your younger self wasn't the greatest at making good decisions! ....NOT. that breaking up with Michael is a good one though 2. Ok... I guess we're not done with Liz's dad being against Max and Liz dating?? ...Soooo... He just didn't want to cause a scene at Isabels wedding when Liz told him that she was going to dance with Max? ....And I guess he really IS. trying to scheme with Max's dad to get some dirt on him in an effort to really drive a wedge between Max and his daughter?? ....Cause if not then this guy is the prime example of the term "flip flopping" ....Make up your mind mah dude! 3. Ehhhmm.. Sooo.. What?? ...Did we establish that alien kids grow really REALLY. fast??? Cause I'm pretty sure it's only been 6-ish months since Tess peaced out with Max's unborn child ....Why would they immediately assume that Max's kid was reaching out to him??? Why not just assume the more likely scenario that this kid at the diner was some kind of special? 4. Man my memory is all kindsa crap when it comes to shows ..I edit this show so I have to watch it twice ...But Liz just said Max's son sent him a signal a month ago and I don't remember what it was ....They're wondering if this kid is somehow being possessed by his son ...I'm wondering if Max's son just hasn't spoken to Max in over a month cause Tess saw the phone bill and saw her son was making intergalactic calls 5. Yeeeeaaah... No doubt in my mind that you've never had to stuff a turkey ...I doubt it's something you'd feel comfortable doing ....I've never had to do it either since thanksgiving doesn't exist here but it looks like fun to me .....And with fun I mean I'd be hiding some stupid shit in there to prank the guests 6. Jeebus... Valenti is really fisting the FUCK. outta that turkey ...Calm the fuck down mah dude! People still have to eat that thing! 7. You're not wrong Froots... Valenti just mentioned he's invited a "lady friend" over to spend thanksgiving and the first thought that came to my mind was Maria's Mum aswell ....I guess we'll see if it's her ...Cause if it's not then ...The fuck happened to them?? ...I kinda forgot about them but they did seem like they had something going last season 8. Yeeeeeeeahh... Kinda weird ...Some random dude who CLAIMS. her mute son spoke to him at a diner and called him "Daddy" shows up at her house to try and talk to her son again??? ...She shouldn't just be telling him to leave ...She should be threatening to call the cops ....Max.. Dude... That's some creepy ass shit 9. Wow... Isabel.. Imagine your husband wants to have something of his own childhood displayed in the house during chrimmus... How dare he?? Nah it needs to be all about you doesn't it?? ....UGH... They've made Isabel into a self absorbed bish this season ...Go away! 10. Hoooooold up... Jesse is about to take a cookie off of a plate and Isabel stops him and says they're for chrimmus morning ...Now... It's look LIT. the FUCK. UP! in that room so it's NOWHERE. NEAR. chrimmus morning yet ....Those cookies are gonna be stale as FUCK. by the time anyone gets to eat them 11. Oh ok the mum let Max in to talk to her son ....Aight ...Weird ...All of a sudden she believes Max? ...added right after... And now she's inviting Max over to go with her and her son to visit his therapist!?!? ....The FUCK. is going on here?!!? ....Yeah sure let's bring this random dude to your son's therapist... Why not!?! 12. WHAT!?! Ok this mum is crazy ...Earlier in the episode she claimed that Max was making shit up ...That her son doesn't speak ...Now ...After spending less than half a day with Max ...She's telling the therapist that her son spoke??? ...What made her change her mind??? 13. Ok Max... That is STILL. NOT. proof that this kid is being possessed by your son ...Kid drew a UFO... So what?? ...You guys live in Roswell ..There's probably "UFO's" everywhere ...The kid just drew what he saw ...added later... SEE!?!? There was a UFO painted on the wall of the Crashdown 14. HA! I LOVED. Liz's humour there ...Max shows her the drawing the little kid made and she's like "You did a really good job Max.. That's a great use of colour there" ....Imagine this grown ass dude drawing a crappy looking UFO with some crayons and his girlfriend is like "Good jooooob" ...I dunno but that was funny to me 15. HA! Michael as Santa ...Ok this episode just got a whole lot better 16. Yeah ehm... Soooo ...Person with light autism here ...They're talking about bringing this kid up to the front of the line past all the other kids who are already there waiting ...Speaking from experience here ...I normally try to stay under the radar a bit cause I don't care to interact with people I don't like ..It straight up just annoys me ...I surround myself with people I care for (Which.. Good job if you're one of the handful of said people I ended up caring about.. That's quite an achievement) ....This kid apparently has a MUCH. stronger case of the 'Tism ..I don't think drawing attention to him like that would be the best idea ...But maybe that's just me 17. Aaaaand NONE. of the other kids start bitching about this kid being given special treatment??? ...That's the most UNREALISTIC. thing that happened in this episode 18. HA! ...Yeah not only is this the 2nd chrimmus episode that has kids in them as the main storyline ...It has Max.. Doing weird shit with kids as the main storyline ....Mah dude really needs to lay off the creeper vibe 19. Isabel just said it's chrimmus eve morning??? That's a thing?? That sounds so stupid ...How can it be eve AND morning at the same time?? 20. Isabel.exe has stopped working ..Please reboot ...Mah gurl just got told that not everything revolves around her and she doesn't compute ....Newflash Isabel ...Being in a relationship means you've got to SHARE. things ...It's NOT. all about you and what YOU. want! .....How the hell have I been single for so long yet I know how to act in a relationship better than anyone??? This makes NO. damn sense! 21. Oh ok so Valenti is apparently dating a woman half his age ....Good on him I guess ...What happened to him and Maria's Mum though? 22. Chillax Kyle... Both your dad and the girl are adults ...If they share a connection then who are you to say they can't be in a relationship ...Quit being so weird about this shit 23. Oh I never heard of this one before ...Santa Kisses The Elf In The Gingerbread House ...What must Santa's wife think? 24. Aaaaaand we're having another scene where Max sneaks into a room and touches a kid ...Dude... You got issues 25. Look... I'm not gonna give the show shit for suggesting Max can cure autism ...Dude is an alien with healing powers ...I know ..I know... Autism ISN'T a disease... It's our brains working in different ways ...It'd require some massive rewiring to turn us "normal" ...BUT... There's no way WE. can say this ISN'T possible ...We kinda went into the realm of ANYTHING'S possible the moment we accepted that we're dealing with aliens with special powers ...And besides ..I like to think anything IS. possible ...Keep an open mind Froots! ...Not that I'd care to be "cured" ....That said ...Max shouldn't be touching kids ...Mah dude should really be put on some sort of list 26. Aaaaaand sadly Max wasn't able to "cure" Samuel of his autism ....But y'know what would be sadistically funny ....If now Samuel would have ANOTHER. issue to deal with ...Like ...I dunno... A brain tumor ...Or getting a restraining order 27. Michael to Maria.. Who just told him that she wanted to go: "Maria.. I don't want to be alone" ....Me: "Ok ..Well.. Go spend time with Max and Liz" ....Girl wants to be alone ..Give her some space to figure shit out and she might come back to you 28. Ok I know this ISN'T about to happen but my mind went there and I got to note it down ....Isabel is about to bring Samuel's parents into his dreams to talk with him and all I can think is that we don't know when his parents go to work ....The dad or the mum might be on the night shift ....And I'm sitting here giggling thinking one OR both of them is just gonna be collapsing mid-sentence with a co-worker ...Just falling asleep snoring ...I dunno ..Had to make a note of it ...Aaaand play 29. Aaaaawwww... Valenti broke up with the girl??? Did she saw him stuff another turkey and see how rough he got with that stuffing and it made her think like "Yeah he's not going rough like that with MY. hole" ...Big sad 30. Dude... Max... Chiiiiillll... You're literally standing in their front yard right now peeping through their window watching them put the angel on top to the tree all the while with a creepy smile on your face ...Have you no boundaries?!? 31. Yup.. This was a good episode ...Needed more Michael as Santa... BUT ...I wonder though... If we DID. have a 4th season ...How much higher would Max have to dial his creep factor to top this one?? ...I mean there'd undoubtedly be kids involved again ...Got to go for that trifecta y'know?