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Patrick - Excelsior

5x4 When this episode came out, everyone was still hating on the prequels. All it took to change their mind was some time and some sequels. Lol I like how Casey was helping Morgan by saying there are only 3 Indiana Jones movies, the fourth one is generally considered by far, the worse. The book that Jeff is reading is "Flowers for Algernon," which is about a mentally disabled man who undergoes treatment to greatly increase his intelligence. And you thought Jeff could never do something to make you proud of him. Ha, all it took was putting Lester in jail. Hmmm, the Jeff redemption arc. First, he saves the wedding video earning a kiss from Ellie. Now this. 5x5 Oh my god, Morgan just said Lester looked like Posh Spice (David Beckham’s wife). I’m offended for the entire British Empire. Oh, course now we know what Jeff wants, what he really really wants. OMG, did they really have to find another reason to expose Sarah. I swear they write this episode just to get her naked. I was so upset I had to rewatch the scene 6 times before I could focus on the dialog. smh. 🫣 😏 It did make for some funny scenes though. Note: Do Not cross Hogarth! Decker go boom. So Casey is going to escape prison. Does that mean he has to go on the run? Leave Carmichael Industry? Why doesn’t he just run off with Hogarth? For all these answers tune in next week to Chuck. Same Chuck time, Same Chuck Channel.