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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/i67iwnd26iq7435hwroax/Ghost-Rider-2007-FULL-MOVIE-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=a5wtm5yt0owtgmerr23jhbjln&st=acb3kgz9&dl=0

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I agree, it was an ok movie. Not great but definitely not bad either.

Patrick - Excelsior

Ghost Rider Vol 1 was one of my favorite comics. I was so excited so this movie. That may be why I was so disappointed. But time has mellowed me a bit on it. Things that were bad, Nicolas Cage was not right for this role. The actor that played him younger was far closer to the comics Johnny Blaze. The accent he used here was verry out of character for JB. They aged up JB just so Cage could play him, I don't like that either. Things that were OK. The messed with Ghost Riders powers a bit, mixing in different eras but that didn't really hurt anything. Compared to today, the effects are substandard BUT for the time it came out they were great and they are still believable. I liked the use of the chain and the bike even though they come from different eras. The first time he changed to GR I liked the transition, better even than in AoS. It's much closer to the comics where the flames burn all his skin, flesh and organs off his body while he screams in agony. I villains are meh in this. I would rather have seen more fights with standard bad guys with one supernatural one at the end. They used the name Mephistopheles for the devil, that comes right from the comics. The CGC would not approve a superhero that gets his powers from Satan so they used that name instead but implied it was Satan. In the comics his ordeal being the Ghost Rider is a bit more horrific and he is constantly trying to find a way to end the curse. He only holds off the devils control of the Rider because of his girlfriend, a pure soul the devil can not touch. But she is forced to do an evil deed to save Johnny at one point and can no longer protect him, that's when "the mysterious figure" steps in and give Johnny permanent protection from the devil. Its implied that the figure is God. Now, with time, I feel this movie is not too bad and enjoyed the rewatch with you. Side note: the music when the 2 Riders are going side by side is a metal version of a western song by Stan Jones called Ghost Riders In The Sky. Its a ballad about spirits of cowboys doomed to chase the devils heard of cattle across the sky for all eternity for the bad deeds they did in life. I'll post a link in Discord Music channel of the original. There is a fan made music montage from this movie made to the music of Meatloaf's "Bat Out Of Hell".