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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/3ve0bq2ezybij561udi8z/Solo-A-Star-Wars-Story-2018-FULL-MOVIE-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=gkhesnc77nxodv3pvoqli2u5a&st=rs9ntp8t&dl=0

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So now that y'all know what Sunday's movie is going to be, feel free to talk about how you felt about this reaction. :)

Jim Lewis

Yes please, I notice last few movies a lack of such comments.

Brandon Wiesner

I agree the movie is pretty good. I think people didn't like Han's casting and how he got the Solo name. But it's a fun movie. Not as good as most other SW movies but better than the worst of them.

Patrick - Excelsior

I always liked this movie, I not saying its the best but I had no problems with it.