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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/pqbcu3cyqkmmuiixjjpq9/Chuck-S05E04-Chuck-Versus-The-Business-Trip-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=p5zf3ltyezf4yflm5wh9t3sgd&dl=0

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Jeremy Burch

I don't like when shows spoonfeed the audience information either, I prefer it when they let us figure things out. Although, I have noticed when some shows do that, which I enjoy, I see people complain, "why are they making it complicated?", "why aren't they just telling us?" and I'm always like, you want them to stop spoonfeeding us, so why are you complaining. I actually like all of the Star Wars movies to some extent, I like some much more than others, but I don't actually, really hate any of them. A lot happened in this episode, Morgan got the intersect out of his head, I was going to say it seemed to easy, but he still doesn't remember a lot of things and not everyone has forgiven him, so not as easy as I thought it would be. Although, I am sad about him and Alex, I liked them together. We also stopped an assassination, Sarah really wanted a friend and thankfully realized that she already had friends. Lester once again did something, I was going to say should get him arrested and wow, he actually got arrested. I really like new Jeff so far. I know the show wanted Lester and Jeff to be those funny guys shows have, that cause all the problems and we can laugh at them, but they commit crimes, it's not really funny, it's crime. Like Lester basically trying to kill Big Mike, Jeff and others in this episode, not that funny. Casey also had a really great moment in this episode, taking out the entire team coming after him, his daughter and Morgan, but I was thinking he just killed a bunch of people working for the CIA, I don't think that's going to go well and now he's been arrested. Man, Decker is annoying. Also, I just wanted to say, because I don't think I've mentioned it before, I use your website, I really like how everything is laid out there and you can definitely see all the work that was put into it.