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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/j6j7tlr4k7ns3xk3lavjo/Chuck-S05E02-Chuck-Versus-The-Bearded-Bandit-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=5hk5nhznbiukci40dsnk0b0fo&dl=0

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David LaRocca

The funniest part of Morgan's attempt at becoming a vigilante is that it's pretty much the way I thought they were going when Chuck first downloaded the Intersect 2.0. While waiting for season 3 to air, I kept picturing Chuck and Sarah quitting the CIA and becoming vigilante crime fighters, at least for a few episodes before the government reined them back in with the help of Casey. When I saw the scene of Sarah and Chuck at the train station in the season 3 opener, it felt like that was actually part of their plan, but Chuck decided to go a different route. And then Chuck vs the Honeymooners gave us a taste of what that would look like.

Jeremy Burch

A commercial is a good idea, Big Mike, but we probably need a new commercial, to showcase some of are newer products, we don't really sell VCRs anymore, also, $2,000 for a VCR, wow! That's...that's an expensive VCR. Also, no to Jeff and Lester in the commercial, just..no. So Devon, won over Ellie with basically a PowerPoint presentation, interesting. There was a lot of guest stars in this episode, Jeff Fahey from basically everything, but I'll go with Lost, Justin Hartley from Smallville and This Is Us and Carrie Anne Moss from Matrix and Jessica Jones. Morgan not knowing Indiana Jones is worrisome but he doesn't know who Luke Skywalker is, what!?