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Hashtag Excitement

I disagree that Michael suddenly starting to show telepathic-control abilities over Teyla to free him, was badly done because it was out of the blue and didn't make sense. I think it makes sense because Michael wouldn't want to let her know he can do it before he can actually use it to his advantage. Otherwise he would risk she could tell someone, or defend herself against it. This way it was unexpected and she had no way to stop it. Maybe he was confident enough in his ability so that he simply knew he could do it and waited for the right opportunity.


> > > !!!FOR SHANNAN!!! < < < 1. You about NOT. figuring out the bounties on the Atlantis Expedition were sent out by the Genii: "I'm ashamed to have this now (points at the Batman chair behind you) this.. this.. this Batman logo thing going on" ......That's right Froots ....Y'know what the difference between me and you is?? In Batman voice: "I'm not wearing hockey pads!!!" 2. Hey Froots... Did you know that this Michael guy is played by the actor who played Trip Tucker on Enterprise??? Did you?? .....Did you know??? ....I'm just making sure... Cause that Batman chair you're sitting on apparently doesn't mean SHIT. ...added right after... You figured it out ...Good job side-kick 3. I bet this is such a weird episode to watch for the first time ....Why is everyone so fascinated with this guy and why is Ronon hating on him so much?? Did he watch Enterprise and is Trip not his favourite character? ...You seem to have something in common with Ronon I guess 4. But with the foreknowledge though ...Knowing that the Atlantis expedition just turned a Wraith into a human and that they're lying to him about who he is ....I feel like they SHOULD. have been honest with him from the start ....Knowing how the episode ends ...Michael escaping or whatever ...We COULD. have had a powerful ally among the Wraith ....Instead there's now a Wraith guy out there who HATES. us AND. he knows Atlantis didn't blow up 5. Also.... It brings up another question ...Is it morally and/or ethically right for us to turn a Wraith into a human??? And then to lie to him about it?? That seems kinda fucked up in a way ....Right? ....I mean I know they're the bad guys ....But still ...It's SOME. kind of fucked up to do this to any living being without their consent 6. Yeeeeaaah.. The fact that Micheal's patient files were just sitting out there but also the fact that he had his own laptop in his quarters was a bit convenient .....Those files SHOULD. have been more hidden and Michael's quarters should NOT. have had anything in it with which he could start snooping 7. And security should have IMMEDIATELY. gone to check up on him when he sat down on the couch and pulled out the map with the discs ....NONE. of the guards were questioning where he got that shit from!?! ....Worst security detail ever 8. Also yeah... Why did Michael not START. with watching Day One?? ....Weird ....But I suppose that was done so the audience could figure it out WITH. him if they hadn't already 9. Michael: "So you think being a Wraith is some kind of disease.. Something you can cure? ...What gives you the right?" ...Sheppard: "We're at war.. The Wraith will stop at nothing to kill everyone of us" ........Yeeeeeaahhh.... But this is genocide though.. That's not right ....SURELY. there's a better way of ending this war 10. Ronon is NOT. wrong ...Sheppard and Weir are like "We'll take him to the Alpha Site and continue with the experiment" ....NO. ....Like Ronon said ...The experiment failed ....Kill Michael and get a new Wraith if you're so sure that this is the way to do shit even though it's WRONG. 11. Good question Froots... Why DID. the gate close so quickly after Michael and Teyla went through? Plot convenience I suppose 12. Yup seems like we now have a potentially new enemy on our hands ...One that has even more of a reason to want to attack us other than just to feed on us and get to their new feeding ground ....But you're right ...Maaaaybe Michael does have some human emotions other than hate considering he spared Teyla ...Maybe he can be reasoned with??? ....Find out next time ...On My Hero Academia! 13. ...added while editing... Aight.. Thanks to the AC the episode audio was all kinds of BAD. ...Luckily though for the people on YouTube.. I can fix that shit ...I lowered YOUR. audio for the entire episode and only had it go up when you spoke... Which took a little more time but it was worth it I suppose cause in the edit you're actually able to understand what Michael said to Teyla that made her undo his restraints .....Fingers crossed for the weather to get better cause this was the worst it's gotten yet with the background noise ....Actually no that's not true ....There was a certain SG-1 episode I think where it was storming and we didn't yet record with separate audio tracks ...That one was SHIT. ......Buuuuuttttt... What can you do ....Without an AC you wouldn't be recording AT. ALL. ...So it is what it is


I realize this comment will probably get lost being months after the Patreon upload, but weeks before it'll be posted on YouTube, but I'll probably not think about it when it gets put on YouTube. Michael's telepathic abilities weren't out of the blue. The Wraith were established to be telepathic from the start. Teyla was revealed to have Wraith DNA back in season 1, which was why she could sense them. It's how they gave the Wraith the idea they were going to destroy Atlantis, with Teyla using that connection to tap into a Wraith mind, but they've also previously established that Teyla is still susceptible to their influence. Arguably Michael wasn't doing it the entire time, certainly not before he knew he was a Wraith. Teyla was just kind to him, because she's a kind person; and she could parse the idea that he wasn't a Wraith anymore once he had completed the transformation. Maybe in part because she knows what it's like to be "part" Wraith. Presumably, Michael feeling there was something familiar about her when they first met after he became human was a suggestion that there was some low-key Wraith senses picking up a common link with her; a combination of his own latent Wraith telepathic abilities and sensing that she had Wraith DNA in her. He didn't begin to understand what that meant until he knew that he was a Wraith; and even then, I don't think he was controlling her until that moment when she started undoing his restraints. Because even up to that point, Teyla was still just being kind to him. Even though she now had her doubts about doubling down on the treatment, she couldn't argue that the ethical gray area they had wondered into wasn't preferable to him being a Wraith, who would decidedly indiscriminately kill/eat them all given the chance. By all rights he was still physically mostly human and deserved her empath, but that consequently made her vulnerable when he began working his Wraith telepathic mojo. Her defenses were down, more than they would be if he was an outright, full on Wraith; and Michael took advantage of that.