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Her'es something you might find interesting, consider this a special reward for being my first Patreon Soran :)

What You have here buddy, is an unreleased comic involving Linker, Tabby and of course you own character Johannes. Made back in 2010, I never got to release it because of fear of copyright infringement... naah XD JK

I just made it parallel to the Syranon VS Johannes Comic but as the time went by, the timing for it seemed a bit off.

He came back arguing with Linker, maybe asking for a rematch with Syrannon or other reasons that you can imagine, and the presence of Tabby changed his mind. It was a bit silly, as you would expect from my 2010 artworks, but at least there's a piece that you've never seen before :)




Oh, lord. I completley forgot about this one. Thinking back at it, it was NOT one of my better ideas to say the least. Still, I'm grateful that you made it though. Kinda intresting to see it.


Forgot to ask, I can hide the comic if you like too XD I'm aware that most of my early comics were full of silliness and nonsense.