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Sorry for going silent for a while and thanks a lot for sticking around.

I'll be brief, things have been kinda chaotic for a bit now, some family problems and personal stuff have got in the way a lot this year, but I was also rather worried about disappointing you by the lack of updates.

I figured I should start with something simple to get the engine going again and I decided to clean up an sketch I had of Risky and re-purpose it to give it some meaning, in this case reaching 4000 followers on twitter.

I include the original so you can compare it more easily, more noticeable I decided to change the design to fit more with her Half-genie hero appearance.




Sorry to hear that things have not been too great. Still, I'm happy to know that you are still around, since I was growing worried that something might have happened. Also, this is a nice image. If you ever need to talk to us about anything, please let us know.