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This is probably one of those cases where the story surrounding the piece is more interesting that the artwork itself.

This gif is based on a doodle I made while waiting during a Job interview years ago.

Is not that I made it while I was being interviewed, I was asked to wait until afternoon for a second test, so I went to the cafeteria to get something to eat and I doodled the little guy in the meantime. 

Original Doodle: Link 

The interview ultimately didn't amount to anything, a couple of days later I was called just to let me know I wasn't selected, thing which I appreciate, because in most of my experiences they never called back.

Everytime I saw the doodle I was remembered of a couple of personal failures from that time in my life, and I thought that maybe if I turned it into an artwork and release it to the public something good would finally come out it.

It's been sitting in my sketches for years now, and I always kept saying myself to do something with it, and now it's finally done, time to let it go.




Interesting story there. Looking pretty good too.