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I was planning on making a public DA Journal, but I decided to share these news only  with  my close friends on patreon.

Ever since my grampa died in 2012 my mother has been visiting my grandma to take care of her. She went maybe every two days for many years because she was worried about her. My grandma always refused to come live here so she always had to commute to go and see her. 

Yesterday she went as usual,  but she had an accident on her way to see her, she fell down the stairs on grandma's house from a considerable height and She injured her back pretty bad.

Grandma was sleeping when all of this happen, but there's wasn't much she would have been able to do about it, the neighbours went there because they heard something unusual, later they called us, and the paramedics came afterwards.

Once in the hospital and after all the medical studies, yesterday at night I got the news that she had a severe injure in her spine and nerves. She's currently unable to feel the entire lower part of her body. 

She will need to go through surgery, but the doctors said that even with the operation there's no promise that she'll be able to walk again.

As if that tragedy wasn't enough I woke up this morning with more terrible news.

My grandmother passed away in the middle of the night my mother wasn't there when it finally happened. This just broke my heart.

We haven't shared the news with her because she also has a heart condition and she already has enough problems to deal with.

It was already too much too handle, but definitely the worst case scenario became a reality.

There's currently not much I can do for her, and it's not useful to overthinking and do nothing, so I'll try my best to keep working as usual, Drawing will also help my to keep my mind busy so it's good I guess,  I'll also be working on more commissions to support my mother as best as I can in the future.

Thanks a lot for your support, and I'll see you in the next update. 



I'm terribly sorry to hear about this. Never knew it would turn out this badly.

Incredible Intruder

I offer you my condolences. Do remember that, even in these hard times, it's really important to take some time off to process this and to make sure you and your family are well, even when it seems that nothing is going right.


Thanks for your comment :) It's still good to know I have friends to support me