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A new corruption has begun!




Totally not curious where Caitlin or the doctor live totally not wanting to speed up my own transition and maybe avoid some very invasive surgeries in like the next decade.


when the next pics?


caitlin sister turn now? or her hated neighbour?


The sister is a later. She's a big corruption and will have to be a big deal, seeing how she's the one person who can reach Caitlin (maybe). Tracy the neighbor will start soon, but she won't be "done" until some episodes later. 😁

Rodin de Bruxelles

I am truly disappointed that the story stopped suddenly, without any warnings :-(


Yeah, right? Last update was September and now November is almost over. The other stuff is okay, but I joined for this comic. May have to drop Jack for awhile and donate to some other artists until it starts up again. I'll wait and see if anything drops by the 29th.