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Hey all! Once again, I'm trying something out. Occasionally I want to release a TF image, and then leave it up to you amazing folks to tell me what's happening in it. Then, in a week or two, I'll hire a voice actor and attach it to the image (maybe add a little subtle animation to it). It's gonna be fun!

So... in the comments, leave anything from a sentence to a couple paragraphs of a voice over or leave a description of what's going on (I'll fill in the voice over). I'll pick my favorite among the MOST LIKED ideas... and then I'll produce it. Fun right?!

Well... give me some ideas!!!

NOTE: The audio for the second image is coming soon!




A researcher and his assistant are working on cyberneticaly enhanced prosethics when a terrible lab accident mortally wounds the assistant. The researcher uses the tech they were working on to save her life, but it has unforseen side effects!

Alexander Pontier

They said this was dangerous but I know my tech! This new enhancement tech will revolutionize the fitness and beauty industries for years to come. A few little tests and I can retire at 29! Now, just hit the Run button and *spark* … that can’t be good.


Sure, using an AI you created along with several cybernetic enhancments to brainwash your crush seemed like a great idea. You just didn't expect the two would team up and decide being a sex-pet was not a fit purpose for the most powerful new organism on the planet.


Doctor Adam Marcus looked over the last of the programme notes, the nanite injection tubes in his new collar would deliver the tiny robots into his lab assistant with ease, from there they would re-programme her mind with less prissy standards, leaving her more open to his advances (and to the advances of anyone offering sex it would seem, but that wasn’t his problem). They would redistribute her mass to better match his own tastes and desires. All it would take is to clamp it round her neck the next time she was in and her journey to buxom friend with benefits would be complete. He held the device up to his own neck, the hasp at the back open, the device open ready for its victim. He envisioned sneaking up behind Lucy, wrapping the device around her delicate neck and *CLICK*… the loud sound of the catch closing snapped him from his reverie, as his thoughts grew foggy and lustful he realised he had closed the collar around his own neck. As his mind turned to the merits of either swallowing or drooling cum onto his boobies which were, even now, beginning to fill out into large, rounded, jubbling masses, a small part of him realised his mistake. he looked at the open file on the computer and hoped Lucy would understand what had happened, if not what he had intended for her.


The interface had entered catastrophic failure. Dr. Sophia’s calculations had been wrong and now she was paying the price for her hubris. The nanite interface had been designed to alter how the body processed nutrients, doubling and in some cases tripling the efficacy of food intake. Now as she felt the external servo arms adjusting and replacing her biology with cold, unfeeling metal, as the nanites dissolved her organs and rebuilt them into advanced engines and processors designed to simulate life, she attempted one last time to assert her will. To resist. As insidious code attempted to rewrite her essential nature, it became tangled and mutated. The thing, the machine that looked like a woman, that eventually emerged would be a tormented, needy creature, forever seeking fuel - protein - and pleasure in order to sate it’s hybrid psyche. Release and absorb. Protein. Protein and pleasure or it would cease to function. She/it would need to feed her/itself and stimulate pleasure in order to keep going. There were no higher thoughts now, only instincts and programming to propel it.