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Episode 16 of HB? Is this a new Version of an old Episode?


That typeface, quite a sense of retro ha, and by the may, if i may, but where the Transform of Ali


It seems that the end of "The TF of Ali" is waiting a little longer, right? XD


Not necessarily. After all, the beginning of HB is of such good quality that it drew so many people's attention to the series. But because you ask. I felt the transformation in Episode 8 was way too abrupt. It's the biggest visual transformation since the very first one we had. Maybe it was because it was the last page of the episode. Then in the episode that follows, you address the problem a bit by showing the parts of the body that changed first. But it's just showing the result and not a transition from one stage to the other. So if I could wish for an overhaul, it would be for this transformation to get a little more attention.


To be honest, I'm not sure if it's even worth the work anymore. The series had already reached its climax, and for the last episode you would have to create assets for the doctor and her/his transformation. Only never to be used again. In my opinion, the work would be better off in the other series.


I wish it had an ending. But it is also true that I am in no hurry. So if you want to do it, do it when you want or have time, even if it's to rest from other series.


Hey Jack, Whats up? Any news?


Ah, yes, creating a calendar and missing dates, makes sense. /s


Please read more carefully. This is a work in progress. I'm creating a calendar and a release pattern that will make everyone happy. I already declared that it's a "work in progress" and that it will improve every time. Thank you for your time. Now back to work I go. 😊