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For the rest of the month....

- A whole extra Hell Beckons episode.

- The final episode of "The TF of Ali"

- A commission!

- Some special pin-up images of HB characters. (as requested by some of you)

- A surprise!

- Working on the calendar system.   



It looks like a Fun February


Can’t wait for new ep of HB 😍🤤🤤🤤


Good news 😋😋

Bill Norris

What's going on with the lovely mutation?


Absolutly Awesome!

clay robbins

Hecking right! glad to hear it!

Leonhard Printz

Unofficially? Hiatus, and when it returns it will be redone from the beginning as a 3D webcomic I think. I'd love for more posts but at this point I think Jackdamonkey has either tired themselves out on the concept, or finds 3D webcomics easier or more interesting, or whatever. Don't count on any major installations on that or New Breed anytime soon I think. Also it seems more people are interested in the 3D Webcomic stuff with the Demons Daughter, the weirdos like me who'd prefer the handdrawn Lovely Mutation or New Breed are outnumbered 2:1. ^__^; This is the artists choice. I prefer artists to do the things that excites them the most. And if Jackdamonkey feels Demon's Daughter, Ali and other 3D webcomic activities are better for them, then that it is exactly what they should pursue and nothing else. :)


focus on HB!


Such a long weeeeeeeeeeeek :)


It will be a lot better if you do not say what you are not going to be able to deliver


The month has still some days left. So lets chill. Time will See.


I agree. I have started contributing once every three months and it still feels like I'm paying for nothing. After this month runs out, I'm done and I will not be renewing at any near point in the future.


Stop promising things and then not delivering.


please my god, try to show some mercy to me :)


Under any other conditions, your failure to produce to your own timelines would justify accusations of gaslighting and substantiate claims of fraud. You have lost at least one subscriber for life, and you should honestly lose all others until you learn to produce on a reasonable and accurate timeline.


Just several polls and one single lonly Picture fpr the whole month? Cmon Jack. You promised us better comunication. Show us that you mean it seriously.


Haha lol


O my goodness. Just setup some expectations every month. For example Solone does a really good job of that. They post like 5 really high quality images every month around the same time. No one gets angry at them because that is literally what they told people and they deliver. It's pretty simple, just set expectations for every month and meet them.


In the matter of the fact – 'A surprise' point done flawlessly