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Hey everyone! 

So a few announcements....

Last month we saw 12 pages of Hell Beckons (more than I've ever produced in a single month). On top of that, I got a lot of renders done for HB. So we are going to see some of that work THIS month (FEB) too. From here on out, I'm going to target producing at least 1 episode (8 pages+) a month. 

Also, some people have accused me of not producing what I promised recently. Well, I respectfully disagree. BUT what I do agree on is my lack of communication. I work VERY VERY hard and some of you who know me, know that I tend to turtle down when I work. But, I want that to change. I'm going to be posting every day on Discord. So that'll be a good place to discuss any ideas you might have, or just chat in general. I'll be posting previews every week, in addition to creating spoiler discussions every week for certain tiers.

Also, I'm going to be posting another video game giving away soon. I had lost all of my game keys and have spent the last few months retrieving and collecting new ones. So... fun! That'll be posted this week, you'll choose a game, and I'll send it to you in the first week in March. More on that later. 

This month we'll see at least one episode of HB, plus a couple of other projects (TBA).

Lastly, this month I'm going to work on creating a release calendar. I'm not there yet, but I want to be able to set a schedule, to keep myself on track, and for all your benefit. 

So. That's it...

Thank you SO much for your support! Talk soon!



I wouldn't complain about you not doing enough. Your work has the kind of quality I have no problem with waiting for. But... what I think a problem is that I have with your work, is that you begin a project... and then don't finish it. I can recall six stories from my memory that are still hovering in the air. My suggestion: Finish a project before you start a new one ;-) But again: That is only my personal opinion.


Thank you for saying that you will be communicating more, and you are going to try to setup a schedule.


agree, another one story to teasing is a proper and available for artist, but too much of them make it a little strange.