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Bully Mom 5 2nd Poll

  • Teacher asks Peter why he's having school trouble, he's say its Chet. She askes Chet into her office, instead gets turned by mom and Sasha. 5
  • Peter's aunt, the mayor, brings Chet in for questioning, but gets turned. And helps turn her staff. 6
  • Peter's father brings Peter and goes to get his wife back and beat up Chet, but gets turned. 39
  • Peter's therapist listens to Peter's session, but suddenly she reveals she's been turned already, which triggers her finsl transformation. 11
  • Peter goes to the church and talks to his priest in confession booth, where priest is secretly corrupted/TFed as he tries to comfort Peter. 13
  • A policewoman come to arrest Chet with Peter's help, but gets turned, and then helps turn the whole local police force at the end. 53
  • The HOA leader, with Peter's help, confronts Mom n' gang about "indecency". She's turned, then helps turn all the wives on the block. 18
  • 2024-04-10
  • 145 votes
{'title': 'Bully Mom 5 2nd Poll', 'choices': [{'text': "Teacher asks Peter why he's having school trouble, he's say its Chet. She askes Chet into her office, instead gets turned by mom and Sasha.", 'votes': 5}, {'text': "Peter's aunt, the mayor, brings Chet in for questioning, but gets turned. And helps turn her staff.", 'votes': 6}, {'text': "Peter's father brings Peter and goes to get his wife back and beat up Chet, but gets turned.", 'votes': 39}, {'text': "Peter's therapist listens to Peter's session, but suddenly she reveals she's been turned already, which triggers her finsl transformation.", 'votes': 11}, {'text': ' Peter goes to the church and talks to his priest in confession booth, where priest is secretly corrupted/TFed as he tries to comfort Peter.', 'votes': 13}, {'text': " A policewoman come to arrest Chet with Peter's help, but gets turned, and then helps turn the whole local police force at the end.", 'votes': 53}, {'text': 'The HOA leader, with Peter\'s help, confronts Mom n\' gang about "indecency". She\'s turned, then helps turn all the wives on the block.', 'votes': 18}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 10, 7, 2, 8, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 145}


Ok. So… the last poll showed that people want to see Peter turned. But so think I added that one too early, narratively speaking. So I’m going to have that happen, yes, but later on in the epic Bully Mom story. I’ll even do another poll about exactly what happens to him.

That said, let do the poll again with the same options,.



I'm glad you suggested this I definitely wanted peter turned but also more of other characters turned too. I was just worried you would end this series after getting bored before you would get to peter

Mario Ritter

Not to try and go against the majority vote, but from a writer's standpoint, I feel that turning the entire police force so soon might become troublesome/limiting options in the future, so you might consider still respecting majority vote and implement it, but a bit further down the line, just like Peter's eventual corruption.