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The game's alpha is READY FOR TESTING. Full disclosure, this is very much still a work in process but we felt it was beyond time to share something playable, so here it is. There are a few mechanics issues we're aware of and already working on, and most of the animations are still only placeholders used for testing while the mechanics are finalized.  It's enough, however, to show how it is shaping up and give some ideas of where it's going.

Now that this has been released, I'm going to take a much-needed break from working on game art to figure out how we need to structure the studio for moving forward with the rest of the game's development.  There is still a LOT of this game left to build, and now we have the groundwork to make it happen much more easily. For now, the alpha build is only intended to be available to backers and patrons. We're going to make a free public demo available after working out a few more kinks and doing a final clean pass over the animations. After that, updated builds and features are planned to be released as regularly as possible through the Patreon.

A bug reports room is open on the Secret Stash discord and we will be putting up both a change log and planned updates list on the website asap.

Thank you to everyone for making it possible to get even this far, especially PastelStoic and JibesVibes for their fantastic dedication and talent in the coding development!




Well this is a holy shit moment


As an introductory stage, not that long. It's main purpose in gameplay is to give players the chance to learn the mechanics. There are still a few mechanics we haven't brought in or perfected, so the level length isn't entirely determined. I would guess about 3 times the current length, with at least one more enemy type.

Kevin McCaustland

so is it just the frog for the main enemy


Yes, at least for the moment. All three enemies can kill you, if you aren’t careful.


Really like how this game is going! Love that it has voice and the animations are nice and fluid for being so early in development.


Very nice, though with the spear thrust being so slow it doesn't seem practical at the moment. Also alt seems an odd key to use with regards to how fingers fit on the ASWD keys. Shift or control seem more normal for that... though maybe I just don't think using the thumb for attack seems right :)


With regards to the motion so far it looks very fluid. Nice touches on the main character's general poses. Is there going to be a way in future to drop from ledges etc? Crawls? Just curious as to how this is going to develop.


Is it just the frog, bird, and raptor enemy so far? As far as I'd go the main character is too slow and the spear animation lock makes things not ideal for how fast the enemy's move. I don't have a problem with this now (Just dodge the enemy's and jump over the toad) but I can see this being an issue in the future when boss fights occur.


For enemies, yes. Those are the common comments I'm hearing for the playability, so we'll be addressing the attacks and movement a bit in the first patch.


For an alpha, this looks great. Really love the animations, especially her hair. Follows her movements really well, especially when you fall down. Special thumbs up for the frog animation death scene XD Are there plans for a water level? It looks great, keep it up!!


Thanks! The hair is a fun part to animate, even though isn't probably the hardest part in some ways. There are indeed plans for a water level, but not for a while. We haven't done anything yet with swimming or diving mechanics or animations yet. The next level after this one is more horror influenced but I want to bring some swimming into it by the third level, which is also set in an underground cave system. We might even merge that into level 2.


Ohhhhhh, swimming and diving!! Excellent news! I can already imagine a vore scene underwater! Anyway, I really like the alpha although I always die at the cliff, unless that's the end of the alpha? XD Really excellent job, keep it up! I'm seriously thinking bumping my membership up to help you guys out!!


Gracias and merci! There is a way to survive the cliff jump, both by design and by a bug we haven’t fixed yet. But there’s nothing down there yet. That is the direction where the rest of the level is going but isn’t actually playable yet. I just didn’t want the edge of the world feeling too abrupt for anybody who did figure out how to get down there. Hint, you can take it advantage of the ability to change direction in the jump to go off the ledge and immediately reverse to land on the platform below the grassy area.


I rather enjoy the frog death :-) My biggest issue so far with regard to gameplay is that I'd like for her attack to be faster. It'd be great if we could get an animation viewer, though, so we could enjoy the animations of her running, getting eaten, etc repeatedly without having to worry about playing the game.

Kevin McCaustland

Any idea how long to second level I know this year has been messed up but the game is really good.


It doesn't work on a Mac, does it?


It’s an EXE file, so it’s native windows. Nothing has been done yet for Mac compatibility.


If that's a future possibility, I'm definitely interested.


It’s certainly something I want to do, I need to look more into the “how” side of it.