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Let’s hear your ideas for the next issue of Jungle Dangers! What prehistoric peril will befall Ayla next? We will keep the suggestion box open for the rest of the month and start the vote on Dec 1.

I‘m also interested in hearing some feedback on the artists that have handled the comics so far. Who has been your favorite?



I think it’s about time for Ayla to be hunted from the skies above. A quetzalcoatlus could snatch the unsuspecting jungle beauty up while she is out hunting/foraging.


I think I saw a documentary on them once. I believe it was covering the evolution of flight and it started the quetzalcoatlus was the largest known creature that could fly being close to the size of a giraffe. So one could easily make a meal out of her.


Giant spider is always a classic


It just so happens I’ll be doing that in a comic coming out over on Gumroad next month. ;)


I kind of want to see what would of happened in #4 if Ayla hadn't been rescued.