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Ladies and germs, check out this legit pencil to paper rough animation for one of the next creature designs in Cretaceous Seas!

I wanted to see about putting one of the artists normally handling comics on an animation assignment. So I asked Paul to make up some basic key frames, based on some descriptions and sketches. He went above and beyond and drafted the whole animation!

These are still primarily the keys, with some straight forward in-betweening, cleaned up and retained. Towards the end it is done on twos but is otherwise on fours or more. There’s just enough space to get creative with the breakdowns.




Wow honestly this is amazing. Wouldn't mind seeing more of this kind of stuff if it was possible. It shows just enough to enjoy the action.


Each of these takes more work than might be immediately evident, so they do take time. And since it's for the game, they need to follow certain mechanics and rules, etc. I do aim to have as many up as possible.


This is great! Unfortunately, my kids were watching Sesame Street in the next room and Cookie Monster started his OM NOM NOM routine right when the animation started. I can't separate the two now...