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Dark Lilith is the bad influence the parents were worried about. But damn, I cant not trust those eyes~~~~~


Only A-cup? 😣


I knew it! If she knows Leona is a runaway witness, then she must be the daughter of the killer. Still doesn’t explain why that woman in Liliths office was unconscious? What’s up with that? There are so many variables here, and something tells me it’s all to protect Leona in the long run. One thing is certain, just about every woman and girl here has an agenda. One thing is certain, they are going to have to fix him, so he stops staring at a girls boobs and butt, he should only be staring at them, when he’s allowed to.


I actually like this, it makes it so we can enjoy Leon(a) boy version more. Which I'll be excited for ehehe

One Vanilla

What if leona has a full pussy to make rumor a lie and inject other girls with drug to change them down there to boys

One Vanilla

Would be a nice turn around for those bullies

One Vanilla

They should put drug mix with the other drug the at cafe use to tea at cafe using girl that work with idea she get to touch those girls in exchange because she like lesbian at cafe for this plan would be good.

One Vanilla

What if black hair girl imean aunt follow secretly leona without nobody knowing to saver her from Chloe and had plan against the bullies

One Vanilla

Offer antidote to drug to them before it becomes Permanent to them in exchange for leona but same time use to get revenge on chloe.