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A New Years Party is a great time to get together with some friends and enjoy some special time together. Especially when everyone get's padded up...

New Year, Same Diapers

A new year needed a party, Clark thought to himself. You couldn’t bring it in without some kind of celebration. Didn’t have to be fireworks, just some friends, a few beers and some good fun. He grabbed his phone from his pocket, tapping at the group chat he had with a few select friends and put out the invite. Maybe a few of them weren’t already taken up with other commitments. He had responses in minutes, each of them confirming their attendance without hesitation. The dragon smiled, patting the front of his crinkling underwear, anticipation getting the better of his inhibitions for a brief moment. He had to get things ready first, make some food, cool the beer and wine in the fridge…. They’d take a few hours to all arrive, some quicker than others, but all of them would have to bring something. He tapped a few requests for snacks, as well as a few other suggestions, and dragged himself off his couch to his feet. He looked down at his waist, the diaper he was wearing visibly drooping from a morning wetting.

“Gotta keep that a little subtler” he said to himself, moving into the kitchen and grabbing some ingredients. Pizza was an easy choice but a popular one, and he was an experienced hand at making the dough at this point. A quarter of an hour later and he was stretching and pulling the stuff across a tray. He checked his phone again, one of the group was already well on their way, a winking emoticon alongside the supplies they were bringing from home eliciting a smile from the lizard's muzzle. He carefully mixed tomato puree in with a few extra herbs, making sure to spread it evenly across the base before grating some cheddar cheese over the top. He’d ask for topping suggestions later, for now that was a good start. He washed his hands of the flour and sauce and walked to his room, grabbing a pair of lounge pants that he’d left spread on the bed after his morning change and pulled them up to his waist. The plastic waistband of the diaper flared above it, a little loose after a few hours of wear but still snug against his lean figure. He gave the front another squeeze, a little huff coming from his maw as he resisted the urge to play before he headed back downstairs. A little look for the television remote later and he turned over to the New Years specials that the networks were showing today. Nothing particularly interesting, but it added nice background noise while he waited for the front door to ring.

An hour passed before it eventually did. Clark pulled himself up from the couch, a slight waddle to his movements as his newly warmed padding rubbed against his inner thighs, now pretty swollen. As he opened the door, he was greeted by the face of a blue bird, blushing a little behind the paper bag of snacks he’d clearly carried from the car.

“Howard!” Clark shouted, pulling his new guest into a hug, squishing the bag against the two of them “Drive here ok?”

Howard nodded “Yeah, managed to pick up the stuff you wanted” he motioned to the bag, now looking a little battered “Mind if I drop this somewhere?”

Clark took the bag from the bird before he could respond “I’ll get this stuff unpacked, you get yourself on that couch ok kiddo?”

The bird visibly blushed anew at the childish nickname, his tail curling up between his legs. He followed Clark inside and did as he’d been instructed, sitting on the couch and leaning back… with an audible crinkling noise.

“How’s your pamper holding up?” Clark called out from the kitchen

“It… it’s fine Clark!” Howard tried to shout back, the words a little caught in his throat from embarrassment.

“Sure you don’t need me to check?” Clark came back in, carrying two cans of soft drink and a pack of nibbles that he’d poured into a bowl “Come on, get those pants down so I can see.”
Howard stood up, doing his best not to look like a bashful hatchling as he pulled down his jeans. A thick, pink diaper greeted the eyes of the dragon, a chuckle coming from his muzzle

“Se...See! Totally dry!” the bird's tail continued to pull itself between his legs, as if desperately trying to hide as much of the padding as possible.

“Oh? How long is that going to be for?” Clark responded, handing Howard a can “Can’t imagine the drive over was that easy on you…”

Howard shifted back and forth “I… I’m fine!” He took the drink and pulled the tab, the fizz of the drink letting off it’s carbonated sting.

Clark just sniggered behind his own beverage, patting the seat on the sofa next to him “Sit back down then, just don’t leak on it ok?”

The bird blushed anew and just nodded back. He naturally curled himself up close to the dragon, his taloned feet pulling themselves up behind him. The dragon's arms opened up to let the crinkling bird into a hug, which he accepted with a light cluck.

“Thank you for inviting me over”

“No problem kiddo, we should have the rest of the ga…”

A knock on the door greeted their ears “Speak of the devil” the dragon muttered, pulling himself out of the embrace and getting to his feet, walking back towards the front door.

“Hey Clark! Been a little while huh?” the voice of a wolf greeted Clark as he opened the door.

“Hah, hey Ross..”

“Clark! Let me in, I gotta use the bathroom!” Another voice interrupted the dragon, this time from a fennec, his fluffy form grabbing at their crotch.
“Urgh Jonathans been complaining about that for half an hour, Clark.” a third voice came from behind the wolf “I’m not sure he got the memo”

“Wha… Jon what are you…”

“Guys!” Clark shouted over the top of the three “Let the poor boy past so he can go potty.”

The fennec made his way past his two friends and got through the door before Clark put his arm out, catching him before he could go any further.

“Go on then. You’re inside now Jon, don’t worry”

Ross and Jon, the former audibly crinkling, went past the fennec with a smile and wink each, heading towards the lounge. Jon looked a little shocked, but as the door closed behind him his hands let go of his pants front. A large wet spot started to appear, tinkling sounds coming from the floor as urine started to bounce off the hardwood, forming a puddle at his feet.

“Awww, the little guy didn’t make it!” Clark called back to the lounge.

“Clark!” the fennec blushed, pouting at the teasing. Within moments Ross had arrived back with a stack of paper towels and began to clean up the small puddle on the floor.

“Sorry Clark, this little guy didn’t want to get out at a service station a few miles back. I told him it was his last stop but he insisted he could hold it”

“You… you didn’t give me time to respond!” Jons tail curled up around his legs even as the trousers he was wearing absorbed the worst of the accident “I… had to hold it!”

Clark sighed and gave the fennec a ruffle of his head fur “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up baby boy. I’ll see if we’ve got anything in your size”

The two of them walked towards Clark’s bathroom just as the smell of the accident started to waft into their nostrils. Once through the threshold, Clark walked over to an overhead cupboard and opened it, showing its contents to the blushing fennec. A small pile of diapers alongside wipes and powder were displayed for him to see, his eyes going wide.

“So, I think such a big baby needs a proper pamper don’t they hmm?”

“I…” Jonathan went to respond but a large pacifier found its way into his mouth before he could properly voice it.

“Sshhh, lie down… baby

The fennec nodded bashfully, moving around to find a space on the floor, gasping a little as the cold tiled surface came into contact with his back.

“Now, let’s get those soaked pants off you hmm?” Clark unbuttoned the soggy garments, throwing them to one side before pulling down his briefs, now stained a light shade of yellow.

“Don’t think you were ready for those” he winked at Jonathan, whose hands covered his face. Clark could tell the boy was enjoying it, that was easy enough to tell.

“So..sorry about the floor”

“No worries kiddo, hold still while I wipe you down”

The fennec shivered as the cold wipes went around his groin, cleaning up his nethers and ensuring his accident was fully taken care of. Taking the bottle of powder he liberally shook some over his friend's light, fluffy fur and began to rub it into his thighs, patting down his buttocks with some extra dusting from his hands.

“Lift your butt”

The fennec obliged, continuing to suckle on the pacifier as the soft padding was placed under him and brought up his back. Clark pulled the front up, taping him securely into his new underwear and before patting the front, a grin forming on his muzzle.

“All done, I don’t think those pants are going back on though. I’ll pop in the laundry alright?”

Jonathan nodded and clambered to his feet, a loud crinkle coming from his rear with every movement. The blush on his face was fierce even past his fur.

“I… I’ll go to the lounge” he started walking out the door before Clarks large paw slapped him on the rear with big pwump, sending a puff of powder into the air out of the rear of his waistband “He.. hey!”

“Just a little adjustment to make sure it’s on properly… and it certainly is I think…” the dragon smirked and grabbed the ruined trousers and underwear, putting his arm over his friend “Go on, get a drink”

A few minutes later the group gathered around the TV, watching the broadcast of the countdown to the new year. Thirty minutes to go, all of them a little tipsy and all of them grabbing at snacks. Pants were now completely off, diapers were on full display and the state of them was distinctly mixed. Clark and Howard were sitting on the couch, both in just a diaper and t-shirt, while Clark and Ross were on either side of Clarks coffee table, taking nibbles at will and slowly draining the snack bowls.

Not that it mattered to any of them. They’d all met over the last year, gone to pubs and bars and got to know each other. Their shared love of the crinkling underwear around their waist serving as an excellent vector for them divulging some of their more personal secrets and loves. Friends whose secrets were safe, secure and allowed to be enjoyed without judgement.

Clark smiled and reached over to Howard, putting his arm around the bird and hugging him close to him. The two of them had been the first to bond, the first to find each other on a forum and meet up. It had been an awkward start, neither knowing what to talk about while sitting in a public space. The bird leaned into Clark, resting his head on his chest as the dragon's soft hands ran through his feathered head.

“Man, get a room you two!” Ross smirked as he looked at the pair, grabbing another handful of snacks and another swig of a can of lager. Ross had been the most confident from the start, uncontrollably energetic when they’d been out and chatting, with seemingly no filter or desire to keep their little interest secret. His waistband would peek out and wouldn’t give a damn, just walk along like the sun was shining out his butt. He was also the first messy diaper Clark had ever had to change and he wasn’t likely to ever let Ross do that to him again. Not that the boy wouldn’t try to convince him otherwise from time to time.

“Deal with it stinker, this little guy needs his little head rubs, don’t ya kiddo?”

Howard just smiled and stuck his thumb in his mouth. He was clearly tired and properly tipsy, his inhibitions completely down “Uh-huh, thank you Daddy Clark”

A collective laugh went out from the other three of them “Daddy? Clark? Have you seen the state of his diaper Howard?” Jonathan chuckled as he grabbed some chips from the bowl on the table.

“Do you want me to give you back your pants before you head home or not Jon?” Clark smiled, giving the fennec a little nudge with the back of his foot “Or would you rather go home like that?”

The fennec blushed and looked back at Clark “Yeah right, like you’d make me go home in just this.” he poked at the front of his diaper “Plus you’d have to send the pants back to me, that’d cost you postage”

“Worth it to you see you trying to hide your diaper on the way to the car” Ross guffawed as he grabbed another can of beer “Poor little foxy waddling down to my SUV in just his baby pants…”

Howard giggled “Baaaby!” he pointed at Jon with his free hand even as his muzzle continued to wrap around his thumb.

“Hey! Don’t gang up on me!” he turned around to face Clark “You… wouldn’t seriously…”

All of the group laughed as Jonathan's blush intensified again. The fennec had always been the easiest to tease of the group, seemingly unable to keep himself from squirming and tensing whenever diapers came up in conversation. As the others had developed confidence within themselves, he’d remained shy and introverted. Not that that made him any less likely to use his diapers of course.

“They’re starting the countdown guys!” Ross grabbed the entire bowl of chips from the table and started to wolf them down.

“Heh, pass me another beer Ross, I can’t reach them with this hatchling on my lap” Clark reached out as the wolf threw him a can that he then eagerly pulled the tab on “Here’s to another crazy year right?”

“Yeah!” Howard shouted past his thumb “Habby New Year!”

Collective laughs came out from everyone again at the lisp from the bird's mouth, Clark giving him a little kiss on the forehead and looking him in the eye with a caring smile “I think I know who our Baby New Year is going to be huh?”

Ross turned around “Is it me? Am I the biggest baby?”

“Oh come on Ross, you can’t compete with Howard tonight he’s been the most precious thing all evening”

“Oh right, Mr “I wet my pants as soon as I got through the door””

Jon huffed “That was your fault!”

The countdown on the screen hit the ten second mark, each of the group turning round to watch the screen.





As the four of them started chanting in unison, all the feelings of a very good year felt shared in that moment. It had been tough for some, but for this one moment all of them were enjoying the feeling of time amongst those who understood each other more deeply than most friends ever get to in a lifetime.







With a joyous grin on all their faces, the group clambered to their feet all at once and pulled each other into a full hug. Not even the noticeable smell coming from Ross’ rear could stop them from finishing off with the heartiest shout of the night.



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