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Prove Yourself

“Hank, calm down, you know you need to…”

“I can do this myself if you’d let me” the stoat tried to grab at the tapes of the diaper he was being changed into.

“No, you can’t kiddo” the intern responded “You know we have to make sure you’re properly protected”

Hank huffed and crossed his arms “Yeah well, not everyone practices at home Ben. I need to prove I don’t need your help.”

The wolf sighed, patting the front of the diaper and adjusting the leg gathers to ensure a good fit “Good boy, no need to squirm. Come on, let’s get you back to the office”

“I can walk there myself!” Hank tried to make his way off the table before Ben's arm caught him. The wolf's expression changed from an understanding smile to a stern gaze.

“Hank, remember the meeting we had last week with the board. They fully understood everything you were saying but you’re not special. They gave you the same assessment everyone else gets.”

The stoat looked away and groaned “They didn’t listen! I don’t need to be given “time to adjust” or “extra assistance from team members” I’m still more than able to…”

“Hank, you nearly leaked”

He stopped, looking over to the sodden diaper that was still waiting to go into the pail “...that wasn’t my fault…”

Ben smiled “Of course it wasn’t! You were working hard and getting things done! But I still had to check you didn’t I?”

Hank crossed his arm again “No one gave me a potty under my desk… I’d have made it if I’d had that…”

The wolf elected to just take the regressed stoat in his arms before he could finish, hoisting him up and letting his head rest on his shoulder “And the agreement was that we wanted you to worry as little as possible about that. You encouraged members of staff to embrace these feelings yourself, remember?”

Hank just ignored the question and huffed. The moment he’d been regressed he’d taken every step and organised everything to be as easy as possible to navigate. As the wolf took him out of the changing room, he grumbled at every greeting. He’d taken the initiative, written up his own assessment of his needs and sent them through while he’d been at home.

Instead he’d ended up in a meeting with his superiors, shifting in the diapers he’d worn as a precaution while he got confirmation of his recommendation he start potty training, get back to work and start the process of

He’d sat there with his mouth open as each of the board had read his report and then, in turn, rejected each of his own recommendations. No pull-ups, no control over his timetable, extra breaks for both changing and “peer relevant play”... All things he knew he didn’t need.

His frustrated response had received some small tuts from the adults… his colleagues… around the table. Rather than being taken as a professional grievance they’d instead asked him to calm down and told him not to tantrum. The HR Manager, a jackalope who’d teased Hank about his size even before his regression, had then called in Ben and asked him whether he’d taken the relevant training to be a personal assistant to a regressee. During this time Hank had been pointing to his report, and all the while he’d received patronising responses.

“We need you to show you can avoid using diapers for an extended period”

“You work very hard, and you did a great job on the report you wrote, but we just think you need a little extra help ok?”

“Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll be out of diapers and into pull-ups in no time sport!”

He could swear some of them were taking pleasure in it. Ben certainly was, the intern had been  hired to deal with some of least urgent and unimportant aspects of the day to day work, and had been at his beck and call for months but was now taking every opportunity this new set of powers gave him. Regular checks, encouragement to play, new toys that were garish and loud but were viewed by higher ups as “wonderful presents”...

He was stuck, but he could at least keep working. That was a welcome distraction from everything else at the office. When he was out of this he was making some very clear changes to policy…

He sighed as Ben placed him back down in his office chair, trying to get comfortable in his cubicle as the rest of the team giggled a little around him.

“I’m heading off to training, you’ll be alright until I’m back this afternoon?”

“Ben, I’m fine.” Hank pouted looking to his computer and logging in “Thank you for the change. You can head off now”

The wolf smiled as he left, shutting the door behind him and leaving the stoat alone. He leant back in his chair and adjusted on the booster seat under him. The crinkle of his new diaper and the slight squeak of the plastic making him grimace. Entering his password he logged into his email and went to get started on the daily grind.


“Oh for…” Hank stopped himself from cursing and grumbled. Of course they’d do this nonsense. Regressees were prone to getting distracted in work with the huge variety of content available on the internet and precautions were therefore taken to ensure they couldn’t find themselves sucking their thumbs and singing their ABC’s along to children's cartoons. Nothing he had to worry about.

Grabbing the desk phone he pressed the speed dial button for IT support. No response.

“Urrghh… come on don’t make me walk down there”. He tried again, again nothing came through. Giving up, he finally made his way carefully off his chair and walked out his cubicle, looking down the corridor to make sure he didn’t crash into anyone.

“Hey Hank! What’s up?” the voice of a high-pitched regressee reached his ears, the stoat turning to its source. The cheetah with an IT badge hanging from his lanyard that he saw waddling towards him was definitely a welcome blessing.

“Hi Paul, I’ve just logged into my PC and had the Access Restricted message pop up” He moved in front to intercept the cat “Could you come into my office and remove that please?”

“Ohhh, sorry Hank, can’t do that.” he wandered past the stoat and into his cubicle despite the negative response. “Got orders from up high, in more ways than one. You know I can’t argue with anything coming from your bosses and I definitely can’t when it’s coming from an antelope twice my height.” he beelined for a small bowl of sweets on the edge of Hank’s desk, grabbing a couple of gummies “Besides, what do you need it for? Got a hankering for some toons already?”

Hank kept his cool, breathing out and ignoring the cheetah’s immature actions. “No Paul I don’t. Ace isn’t my line manager, he doesn’t have control over my…”

“Really? He’s signed everything off for you. In any case he gave me a cookie afterwards for doing it…” he grabbed another gummy and started walking back towards the door, seemingly giving no attention whatsoever to his colleagues' plight.

Fantastic, Hank thought to himself. Paul had been the epitome of a professional regresssee until recently, regularly going back and forth and never falling too far into the more... babyish responses that typically came with such events. Now though he just used his diapers and took praise and “bribes'' like they were going out of fashion. He stepped in front of the cheetah before he could leave.

“Come on Paul, you know I’m not going to just go onto HBC and watch cartoons. Gimme a break here…”

The cheetah only yawned in response “Sorry, no can do. If that’s everything I gotta go off for naptime with the team now.”

“The whole team has naptime?!” Hank blurted out “That’s...”

“Oh Paul! There you are! Come on kiddo, let’s get you into the nap room!” the motherly voice of a sow reached both their ears.

“Aww, but Hank was giving me gummies!”

“I was not!” Hank responded, perhaps a little more defensively than intended “I just need him for five more minutes Melinda”

“Oh my gosh Hank you look so handsome!” she was beaming.

Hank’s jaw dropped a little at the praise, his brain trying to process the sudden influx of emotions it generated “I… No… I just… Sorry, I really need to…”

“I’m not tiiiiirreeed” despite his objections Paul simply yawned again as he was lifted into Melinda’s arms “I don’t wanna have a… mpph…”

A pacifier was promptly shoved in his mouth. Hank could only look on in awe as the cheetah slowly started to doze almost immediately. A small burst of envy sent its way through to his brain. He hoped it was just that he liked the idea of a nap.

“Come on kiddo, you did a great job this morning and Hank needs to go back to being a big boy, don’t you?”

“I’m not a big boy!” Immediately his mind registered the implications of what he’d just said “I mean, I’m a manager!”

“Oh relax Hank, I’m just teasing ya a bit.” she started to rub Paul's tummy, the cheetah dozing off as she gave him a few light bounces “Let me know if you need anything though, I know you’ve got Ben but we both know he can raise a stink about stuff.”

The stoat went to respond but caught himself. Breathing in he closed his eyes for a second and then looked back up at the sow “Thank you Melinda, I’ll be fine”

She just sighed and started walking down the corridor “Bysie bye Hank! I’ve got a little kitten to get all swaddled up”

Hank sighed and walked back into his office, grabbing a gummy bear on the way back. That wasn’t any different at least, he’d always loved the little chewy sweets and now his tongue was lapping up the sugar.

He found himself struggling to focus for the next hour, his mind wandering to easy distractions. The small toys on his desk got plenty of fidget work, his red paws clicking and spinning at the various contraptions as he read through emails over and over. His paw went once more into the sweet bowl, but came up empty. He’d munched through a whole pack without realising.

“Hmph… Guess I should probably get some proper brunch anyway.” he said to himself, trying to shake off the guilt of having lost that much control. Thankfully his grumbling tummy was one of the easier problems he’d have to solve today.

He made his way out of the office and down to the cafeteria, a small throng of other furs were already there, grabbing a similar brunch to get them through the morning. Normally, regressees were expected to wait, be given a table and a chair, and then have food brought to them, but Hank wasn’t really in the mood to wait.

He grabbed one of the plastic trays and lifted it onto the rail, his eyes just about able to see over the top. He’d ask for food as he went, it wouldn’t…

“Whoa sport, aren’t you a bit too little to be here?”

The stoat looked up to see the face of a bear, one currently nearly three times his height, hovering over him. A small instinctive shiver of fear shot up his spine… and his bladder reacted by releasing without warning into the Teddies diaper round his waist.

“I… I… err..” he stuttered, feeling the warmth building around his crotch and his brain trying to fight back the desire to hide under a table “I’m fine… I just wanted some brunch…”

The bear cocked his head and raised his eyebrow “You sure you’re ok? You look like you’ve just seen a…” a sudden flash of realisation crossed his face “Oh man, I’m sorry, I probably scared ya.”

Hank felt his fur stop standing on end as his bladder finished its involuntary release. He breathed out, trying to keep calm “I’m… I’m ok, don’t worry” he felt his voice crack a little.

“Sure you don’t want a hand though? I can give you a boost if you want to actually see what you’re ordering. Bet you’re after some cookies right champ?”

A flash of Melinda picking up Paul earlier threw itself into Hank’s imagination and felt his arms almost go up instinctually. Dammit, he was getting jealous of the cheetah and every emotional response his regressed mind wanted to give was just getting stronger.

“Could you just get me an apple from the fruit bowl there?” he blurted out, trying to find a middle ground “I can get everything else”

The bear obliged, grabbing the fruit from the counter and popping it gently onto the tray “There ya go, no problem. Just let me know if you need anything else.”

Hank nodded and got back to walking behind the fur in front of him. He looked up towards the counter, seeing the face of one of the cafeteria staff, who was focussed on restocking the cake stand.

“Hey, can…” before he could really start going, however, she’d looked straight up at the bear.

“Morning Gordon, the usual?”

The bear grimaced a little and looked awkwardly down towards Hank “I’m not next Trish, you’ve got a little one down here!” he pointed down, his paw inches from the small stubs of Hank’s ears. He felt a furious blush come to his face.

“Oh… Oh Hank! I’m sorry I didn’t see you there!” Trish leaned over, trying to make eye contact despite the counter and tray blocking her view “Why aren’t you seated? There’s plenty of high chairs and Faye isn’t that busy”

“I just want to get some juice” he responded, trying not to give into his frustration “Please?”

Trish smiled “Sure you don’t want a brownie? You got in just as we made a fresh batch. Lovely and warm!”

Gordon chuckled “I think he’s trying to keep healthy Trish, he went straight for the fruit”

Hank felt a strong pout come to his face “Just juice please”

Rather than getting a positive response he felt two huge paws reach under his shoulders and lift him into the air. The sudden shock was enough to make his eyes widen and his arms flail like a fish out of water.

“Oh come on sport, you’ve not even seen them. Look, Trish makes some great little treats for kiddos like you!”

Hank could only hang there as he was directed to look at the cake section. He knew he wanted to get away, but as soon as the sweets were presented to him he felt his mouth salivate. There were all sorts of pastries, some still there from breakfast, cakes and biscuits available.

Right in the centre were the most delicious looking brownies he’d ever seen.

Maybe that was his regressed brain talking. Did it matter? He looked up at Trish and as his eyes met hers, she giggled out loud.

“Oh yeah, that’s a yes. I know that look anywhere. Have it on the house hun, I’ll foot the bill this time. I know you’ll get more later” she winked as she put a plate on the tray in front of him “Gordon, you alright to have him on your lap. I think he’s a bit small for a booster.”

“But.. but...I… I have a booster on my off…”

“No buts, the lady has spoken”

Picking up the stoats tray in one hand and flipping the still airborne Hank over his shoulder, Gordon lifted them both up. Supporting Hank by putting his arm under his diapered rear, the stoat's head naturally rested next to the bear's neck. He heard a couple of words being exchanged but none of it went in as he felt himself being virtually absorbed into the bear's furry body.

“Heh, someone’s a little soggy huh?”

Hank felt his cheeks burn as the hand of the bear gave his diaper a few solid pats. Any attempts at a response was just a series of blubbering noises as he could do nothing in Gordons huge paw.

“Don’t worry kiddo, I work in janitorial, I’d rather you were in a Teddies than giving me more work”

Hank just nodded as he felt Hank sit down in a seat, hearing the tray hit the table as he was flipped round to face it. The first thing he noticed was that the apple had been replaced by a bag of pre-chopped apple slices. Great, another reinforcement of his new status.

“Wait… where’s your tray?”

Gordon smiled “Trish will bring it to the table, don’t worry, I’m not gonna go hungry.” he grabbed a small spoon from the side of the tray and cut a small amount of brownie off with it, moving it towards the stoat's muzzle “Open up!”

“I can fee… MMPPHH!” Hank could barely respond before the brownie was shoved unceremoniously into his open mouth. He chewed desperately and swallowed.

His face lit up instantly. The taste of the chocolate sent waves of pleasure through his regressed brain and he lost focus on anything other than the steadily approaching globs of chocolate dessert. Each one continued the feeling, little giggles coming from his muzzle as Gordon made noises to encourage him to keep going.

It didn’t take long for the brownie to be completely consumed, Hank licking his lips before a napkin came by and removed some of the thick chocolate mess from his muzzle.

“Someone definitely liked that huh? Why don’t we…”

Just as he was leaning forward to grab the pack of apple slices, Gordons paw pressed into the stoat's stomach, stopping him from leaving his lap. This did two things.

The first was that Hank was shaken a little out of his state of revelry, regaining some measure of control over his emotional state. He blinked a little and blushed again.

Before the second thing happened. His stomach lurched, the pressure of the paw squeezing his midriff causing his bowels to move forward considerably with their process of dealing with his breakfast and the gummy bears he’d stuff into his maw earlier in the day. A little toot came from his rear as he looked up into Gordons face with desperation.

“I… I gotta poop! Now!” He didn't even bother to hide the fear from other patrons in the room. He wasn’t going to fill his diapers, not here, not ever. It didn’t matter if they saw him rushing to the bathroom.

“Oh! Come on then let’s get you to the bathroom stat!”

Without any further warning the bear picked the stoat off his lap and held him out in front of him, holding Hanks small form a foot in front of him like he was holding a ticking time bomb.

“Hold on kiddo, we’ll make it.” Gordons reassurance was barely registering to Hank as he clenched, his muzzle teeth showing as he started to curl up in the bear's arms.

The pair slammed open the door of the bathroom and headed straight for one of the stalls, Gordon opening a door and turning Hank round in his arms.

“Let me get those suit pants off” with seemingly practiced hands he quickly undid the button and fly and slipped them down to the floor, showing Hanks already soaked diapers off.

“Now hold still while…”

Too late. Just too late.

“No… No…..”

Hank squatted, his butt unclenching as his fists did the reverse and his body released a sudden wave of mess into his Teddies. Once it started, that was it, the stoat could only wait while he felt his body evacuate itself. The front of his diaper warmed again as the whole garment sagged downwards, the leak guards pulling away from his thighs.

Eventually he was done, able to look back up at Gordon. The bear put his finger to his muzzle and then ruffled the stoats head fur.

“Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone outside. Let’s get a new diaper from the dispenser and get you cleaned up hmm?”

“But… I had to prove… had to prove I was big…”

“You didn’t have to prove anything kiddo. It’s alright”

What was left of Hank's adult mind abandoned him in that instant. Even as he nodded to confirm that’s what he wanted, he bawled into the bear's chest as he was lifted to a changing table at the end of the bathroom.

He’d proved one thing. He wasn’t big at all.


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