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When Greg decides to accept a trick from a very well costumed feline on Halloween, little does he know that he’s happened across one of the few good witches in his state....

The Good Witch - Halloween 2020

“Trick or Treat!”

The fifth set of kids for the night had come to Greg's door. The young lion had bought plenty of sweets to hand out and promptly prepared the bowl of little sugary treats.

“Ahhh! Treats it is kiddos, love the costumes tonight!”

The three pups, all wolves dressed in ripped up tartan jackets and jeans, giggled and grabbed a few packets each before scampering away.

“Thank you Mr!”

Greg smiled as they ran off towards the next house down the street. He’d been doing that not so long ago, dressing up and going door to door in his college dorms for a laugh. He’d not been able to get the fake blood out from underneath his fingernails for a week. Now though he was a young professional, working a boring municipal job rather than partying on the regular.

He sat down back on the soft chair he’d left in the hallway. He knew there was no point getting comfortable in the lounge, he’d be answering doorbells for the next few hours. Thankfully portable game consoles were easy to acquire in this day and age and he was able to relax with that while he waited for the next Hammer Horror wannabe to come to his porch. 

It only took ten minutes for his break to be interrupted, the lion jumping to his feet and getting the bowl from the counter top.

To his surprise he didn’t open the door to a bundle of kids but instead a clearly older costumed feline. She couldn’t look more like the Wicked Witch of the West if she tried. Full green fur colour, big black hat and coat. Even had the broom!

“Triiiiiccckk or TREAT!” her voice was shrill, deliberately trying to maximise the creepy factor. Greg couldn’t help but laugh.

“Wow! That’s a really great outfit!”

“Thank you dearie!” she responded, her voice still croaking. Clearly the act was something she was putting maximum effort into today “I do try to look my best!”

“Aren’t you err… a little old for a treat though?” he couldn’t help but feel a little guilty for saying it but he only had so many sweets to go around.

“Well… you could always have my trick!” she winked at him, her ridiculous hooked nose bouncing a little as she moved a little closer to his doorway.

Greg grinned “Oh I suppose that’s true!” he put the bowl down behind him and prepared himself for something like a silly string band to come flying out of… somewhere. That’s what kids did now right? This would probably be the same or…

“Pee your pants”

The lion's smile immediately dropped “What? That’s not a trick lady, you can’t just ask me to…”

A feeling of distinct warmth around his groin interrupted his response. A large round wet spot was forming on his chinos, long lines coming off of the centre point and running down the legs.

“What the fu…”

“Ah ah! No naughty words!” the witch cackled, wagging her finger and placing it on Greg's muzzle. His eyes went wide as he stared into hers, his focus stuck on the little flickering lights that seemed to move around her iris.

“What… what did you do?!” he sputtered, moving backwards and away from the door. The feline moved in behind him.

“I played a trick! After all that’s what you wanted isn’t it?!” the cat looked around the hallway as Greg checked the damage to his pants. Thankfully there was no puddle, but he could feel the warm liquid all the way down to his socks.

“I wasn’t expecting this!”

The witch giggled again, tapping his nose with a long spindly claw “You didn’t know you were going to pee?”

Greg snarled “Of course I didn’t! How the heck would I know that if…” he stopped. He hadn’t meant to say heck. “What the heck? Why can’t I say heck?!”

Popping her hands on her hips the cat tutted “Because I said no naughty words! So now you can’t say them! That should be obvious!”

Gregs expression went from every emotion between confusion and anger before his muzzle opened to respond “What is this? Some kind of weird tech you’ve got hidden somewhere? That’s not fair lady!”

In response she gave him a hard stare, tapping her broom on the floor of the hall “Tech? Come on now, if I’d wanted to use tech I’d have dressed like a robot! Come on, join the dots!”

Greg raised his eyebrows, incredulity spread across his face “You’re kidding, magical witches aren’t a real thing!”

“Oh really?” the cat looked genuinely offended, her stare sharpening as she took a few steps back “Fine, how about this. You’ve already had two of my little tricks, I’ll let you off if you give me a treat. Otherwise we can keep doing this until you’re sure I’m a…”

“For hecks sake, stop with the act already and just tell me what you did!” Greg moved back towards her, pushing her back towards the doorway “And get rid of this stupid thing you did that means I can’t say heck!”

“So, no treat huh?” she stood her ground just before the pair were stepping outside “Well I guess it’s time for another trick then isn’t it?!”

“Oh shut up, I’m not dealing with… MPPHH!” with a sudden pop a bright blue pacifier lodged itself firmly inside his muzzle. His eyes went wide as his hands immediately shot to his muzzle to pull it free.

“Ah ah ah! I gave you the chance to stop saying naughty words but it looks like you needed more help!

The pacifier wouldn’t budge, even with a full pull it just stayed perfectly still. Greg's tongue slipped around the bulb, his muzzle instinctively suckling on it as it finally concluded there was no other option.

“Geth ith out!”

“Nope, you can learn to be a good little cub, or I can make you be a good little cub. And since you’re not being good, I guess I’ll have to teach you how to be!”

The witch motioned with her left hand and the lion's pants vanished in a puff of smoke. His soaked briefs were now on full display, his hands shooting to his waist to cover up the shameful act.

“Oh goodness, someone’s a blushy little cub hmm?” she teased “It’s alright even big boys have accidents in their pants sometimes” she started to walk forward again, Greg moving backwards to avoid anyone outside seeing him in that state.

“You madeth me do thith!” Greg's voice cracked as he started pulling back again from the entrance to the house as the feline closed in, pressing her fake hooked nose against his own muzzle and running her claw down his shirt.

“Did I? Are you sure that was all my doing cub? Since I arrived you’ve not been acting very mature have you?” she grinned and moved down the lions front, her talons pulling his briefs steadily down his legs.

“Wa..waith!” Greg froze in place as the cat violated every element of his personal space imaginable. His privates hung limply, damp and warm from the wetting he’d been forced to experience.

“Oh shush, I’m sure a cub like you is used to having someone wipe down your bits… on that note!” she clicked her fingers and a small puff of purple smoke formed next to her hand. As it dissipated, a large pack of baby wipes emerged, the packaging already open and presenting a new wipe for use.

“Now, hold still dear, lets get you cleaned up.”

Greg's body finally started to let him feel like he could move again. This woman was doing something to him, this couldn’t be magic… that would be crazy. She’s just using sleight of hand or something..

“Get ofth me!” he turned round and went to run, his legs pulling towards the stairs.

And catching on the briefs at his feet.

With a loud bang the lion hit the floor of his hallway, falling flat on his front. He felt pain shoot through him like a thunderbolt, as though all his nerves had been turned up to eleven. Tears formed immediately at his eyes, his brain desperately holding back the desire to sob.

“Oh dear! Shush baby, it’s ok. Little ones have falls and knocks at your age.” the cat pulled her hands under his stomach, effortlessly turning him onto his front as the wipes followed her down to their new position on the ground. As Greg squirmed around, trying to put some distance between himself and the wet towelettes about to assault him, his head collided with the wall, eliciting a loud groan from behind the pacifier still lodged in his maw.

“Whoopsie, that’s what happens when cubs get all squirmy though, so stay still little guy!” she chuckled grabbing the first wipe from the packet and quickly wiping it around the lions ballsack.

“MPPPHH!!” the lion desperately moaned behind his pacifier. The wipe was freezing, numbing his lower body as the cat pulled it around his nethers. Even as it left his fur he felt like it was fully open to the air again, smooth like… like…

“Oh goodness, look at all your big boy hair! It just came off with the wipes! Guess you didn’t really need it huh?” Greg's eyes went wide as he saw the tufts of orange fur getting pulled away from his body with complete ease. He tried to bat her arms away but she quickly pushed back, continuing the process of cleaning and removal she’d already started.

“Now now, there’s no need to get so squirmy. Just relax baby, soon you’ll wonder why you even wanted those silly big boy thoughts to begin with”

“Mmpph… pweth… schtop…” Greg could feel tears coming down the side of his face at this point. He felt so weak, every motion of his arms and legs felt slow, like he was being slowly drained of his energy.

The cat simply winked at him, taking off the ridiculous nose and hat and laying them to one side “Now, how about I introduce myself, my little cub” she clicked her fingers again and a bottle of powder popped into existence over Greg's nethers, shaking itself in mid-air as it coated them in a layer of lavender scented talcum “I’m Melody. It’s a fun little name for a witch don’t you think?” her fingers clicked again as the powdering finished. “I’ve been wandering around this town for a little while trying to find just the right place for me… and your place is very nicely situated.”

Greg tried to get up again but he was spent. All he could do was suckle on the pacifier and close his eyes as tears streamed down his face, moans coming from his muzzle as his focus on his predicament waxed and waned. He felt like he could fall asleep at any moment.

“But I can’t just take someone's place. It’s still theirs, and it would look very suspicious if they just vanished one day. So here’s the deal baby” she raised both her hands into the air and drew a rectangle with her fingers, a small crackling trail that was left in their wake slowly filling the inside of the shape with solid matter. It didn’t take long for Greg to realise what it was.

“You’ll get to forget about all your big boy worries. No more mortgage, no more working for a silly job.” she unfolded the plastic underwear, a distinct crinkle coming from it as she showed the front to Greg. Sesame Street characters adorned the front, all looking suitably happy with their lot. The lion, however, couldn’t help but moan again.

Melody sighed as she flicked her fingers again, the lion's legs following suit and hanging in the air, his bottom lifted off the hallway floor by whatever magic - and at this point Greg had accepted it could only be magic - the witch was using.

“You’ll get me! The best witch in the state! I’ve never had a lion as a little one before but there’s a first time for everything! Last time it was a wolf… never doing that again!” she tutted a little as she slipped the diaper under the lions now less fluffy butt and let his legs drop spread eagled, allowing the front to be easily lifted to his stomach.

“Mppph… buth w..why?”

“Why? Oh baby, every witch needs to find a way to keep herself young and healthy, but we also need a place to stay. We don’t use money like you silly non-magic folk. We can just make whatever we want… provided we have the material.” she giggled and prodded Gregs tummy. He groaned as he felt a numbness spread throughout his abdomen, as if everything inside of him was suddenly alien, new to him as if he’d never had it before.

“Every few years, we have to find a source of energy. Some of us draw it from nature, some of us from places of power… and I’m gonna draw it from you!”

Greg's eyes widened again, his voice breaking around the pacifier trying to find a response “I… dun wanna”

“I know you don’t baby, but soon you won’t remember not wanting to. See, you can keep me going for many, many years. Possibly thirty at most! See, normally when those without magical ability grow up, they expend energy on building memories and consciousness.. That’s actually magic! You know your silly science can’t fully explain those things right?” she pulled the front of the diaper up, rubbing it against Greg's member. He let out another little moan as the padding made contact with his shaft.

“Witches like me can stop this energy from going on those things and use it power our own magic! We can also take what’s there already! That’s what I’m doing right now, it’s why you’re wetting your pants and suckling on a pacifier like an ickle cub again!”

“Buh… buh Im not…”

“Yes you are baby. Or at least, soon you will be. You’ll be my special little guy forever, or at least until you’re not able to sustain my magical energies anymore. But don’t worry, I never leave my babies as oldies with nowhere to go! I always use what I can to make them real babies again. And then you can grow up and be a big boy again! I’m a good witch!”

Greg had started to forget what was happening. Something else was drawing his focus as the tapes on his diaper were secured. His cock hadn’t calmed down, and his bottom was slowly humping the air on autopilot.

“Oh dear, I forgot about that… hmmm…” Melody seemed genuinely concerned for the first time since she’d knocked on the door “I’d better make sure you get that out of your system”

Greg's brain did a complete double take as he suddenly felt his loins increase in sensitivity. He could feel every little touch of the new diaper, every little flick of the leakguards around his thighs. His mouth suckled faster on the pacifier, desperately trying to take in the extreme sensations being sent up from his groin. Moans and groans came in short bursts from his muzzle, his hips moving up and down in an increasingly quick motion.

“Oh my someone was a pent up little cub! Go on, it’s ok, you’ll be able to get out all this big boy stuff in one go and then you won’t have to worry about it! Babies don’t make sticky accidents after all”

Greg still had a small ounce of resistance left. His adult mind was forcing him to hold back, the pressure in his balls was building like he’d never felt before but he refused to give in. There had to be some way out still, even with his focus dropping. He couldn’t let this witch take him like this, he had to…

“U.. u can… can haffa… haffa tweet” he mumbled, trying to desperately to get out the words.

“Hmmm? What was that little guy?”

“Tweeth… u can haffa… tweeth” he pointed towards the bowl. He couldn’t think of anything else. This was how it all started, and maybe this was what he needed to end this.

“Oh thank you baby! You’re such a good boy for Mommy, yes you are!” The bowl flew through the air and landed in the cats paws “Now, let’s see what you have… oh! I love these little hearts. Been around for years!” she grabbed at a packet and started chewing on the first of the chalky sweets. She smiled as she looked back at the still desperate Greg.

“You thought this would get you out of this huh? I’m sorry hun, you were getting this treatment whether you gave me a treat or not”

Greg moaned one final time as he finally gave in. He felt stickiness around his diaper, barely any other feeling mattered at this point and he could focus on nothing else. Each pulse of his cock made him feel less and less conscious, his vision blurring as he suckled slower and slower on the pacifier. When he finally felt himself finishing, he looked down at his diaper, trying to spot the damage. The waistband was stuck to his tummy fur, the cum slowly leaking down his now smooth nether regions.

“Ooopsie, that was quite a lot hmmm?! Well, it’s all that’s coming out of you for a looooong time”

Greg whimpered as he felt himself being lifted into the air. His eyes closed as he felt himself losing consciousness, all his energy gone and his brain slowly emptying. The pacifier in his muzzle and the diaper round his waist were all that mattered to him now. Just before he fell asleep a little smile crawled across his lips.

“There we go! There’s my happy chappy!” Melody clapped to herself as her new charge was levitated up the stairs to his bedroom 

“Happy Halloween!”


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