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As you awake for another normal day at your boring office job, you’ve got yourself all prepared. But maybe there’s a little surprise in store for you...

Just Another Day

Today was a normal day, like any other. Your suit was on, your bag was packed and work was only a short walk away.

You took a few steps out of the door before feeling the familiar warmth around your groin. Typical really, wetting so soon after changing out of your heavy and full night diapers that you changed into and out of every evening. They could take the punishment you could hand out, but keeping yourself able to walk everyday was important and you needed at least two spare changes for your daytime wear.

Perhaps you’d ask your manager for an adjustment. He got to sit on his arse all day in the same damn diaper, stinking his office to high heaven. One of the perks of being able to schmooze your way up to that level you supposed. You had to buy jumbo packs of single thickness Snuggies to get through the week but him? He could get by just buying one pack of triple thickness and get his PA to wheel him in in his garish playtime stroller.

You could feel the newly soaked diaper between your legs squish as you walked round the block, weaving your way in between other commuters and passers-by. This was one of your least favourite parts of the day, since you had to be wary of the speed of everyone around you, constantly on alert for the sudden halting of the person in front as their morning coffee shot through their bowels. Why would anyone drink the stuff to wake up when you had to change as soon as you got into work you’d never understand, you at least waited until you could squat uninterrupted at your desk with a fresh brew recently consumed.

As you reached the pedestrian crossing opposite the office you sighed as you listened to the grunting and sighing of those around you. Sometimes you wondered if it was better to get a pair of headphones for this, everyone seemed to take the opportunity to relieve themselves at this point. Coffee and malt cereals made for an easy time of it at least, even if the occasional gasp would come from a poor soul whose tapes had been a mess that morning. Self-cleaning streets were a godsend.

The cool breeze of the air conditioning unit in the office brushed against your face as you walked through the automatic doors. It wasn’t that hot out, but keeping the air fresh in enclosed spaces was considered a legal requirement. Not everyone had the same constitution, nor indeed the same taste in food that the mix of odours that would emanate from different floors would create. You gave your pants front another squish as you headed towards the elevator, checking their sodden state. You were good for another wetting, so at least you could get started on your emails before your breakfast and morning beverage decided they wanted out.

Glancing at the clock at the end of the corridor you smiled at your early arrival. Waking up each and every morning wasn’t the easiest, especially with automatic crib bars that dictated your ability to leave the safety of your blankets. Once they dropped at seven-thirty each weekday morning, you often had to resist the urge to just roll over to the other side and lightly slap at the button inside that raised them back again for an hour. “Nap” buttons were installed on every model on the market, but the first week they became standard, everyone might as well have moved their start time back to noon.

You were perfectly used to this now of course. You’d roll over, the weight of your overnight Snuggies keeping you almost fixed to the mattress, and slowly allow the drooping mass to work its way over the side. Gravity would do the rest, you’d fall to the floor with a loud smush, the contents of the diaper breaking your fall and the padding preventing any injury. A quick reset to a crawl and you’d be over to your change mat, morning diaper and supplies laid out ready for the day as always. A couple of times you’d forgotten to do this, and while some of your bodybuilder friends enjoyed reaching up to their huge packs of diapers on head height shelves, you could barely get your knees up with the weight of your padding. You shuddered again at the thought of having taken your full and now totally smashed padding off and hoping your butt didn’t touch anything except the air around it.

When the elevator reached your floor you stepped inside and were greeted by the fresh scent of pine forests. Not that anyone in the elevator smelled like that of course. Even despite the air freshener’s best attempts, the stench of the colleague hiding at the back was noticeable from your position at the front. He knew he’d messed up, pun intended. It was bad form to do that after getting into the elevator, with nowhere to clean up before reaching your floor. But everyone had been there at least once, including you. Lesson learned there.

Once the door opened to your open plan office you gave the place a quick look. Not all of your fellow workers were in yet, or at least if they were they were probably changing in one of the many changing rooms on the other side of the room. You made your way over to your desk, dropping your bag down on the wooden surface and straightening your shirt and tie. You felt another stream of pee enter your diaper as you adjusted your belt, a sigh escaping your lips as you turned on your desktop computer. The whirring masked the low hiss that was just barely audible inside the padding as the liquid pooled in the bottom of your diaper, warming your nethers and the padding anew. You gave the front a quick heft, confirming the padding was nearly at capacity.

As you sat down with a squish, you felt your eyes wander towards the water cooler. A couple of your colleagues were already there, catching up after the weekend. Both had clearly changed recently, their belts and trousers were cleanly formed around their diaper bulges, no crescents around the crotch or pull on their rears. Early risers tended to be the most concerned with keeping themselves dry, and probably had to commute in from out of town. A journey that long probably put a strain on even the thickest of brands…

You type in your logon and try to refocus on your work, tapping away as you deal with ticket after ticket, email after email. You take your thermos out of your bag, grabbing the rubber teat atop the bottle and suckling on it slowly. Coffee always tastes better this way, you thought to yourself. Sure, the canteen could make a pretty good Americano when you forgot occasionally, but this was the good stuff. As your eyes closed and you relaxed back in your chair you started to rub at the front of your padding. Why you got hot under the collar like this every morning you didn’t know, but equally you didn’t care that much. You opened your flies to get a good feel around the plastic, squeezing around the sodden sap and inviting a moan from behind your bottle. You hear a guffaw from the cubicle next to you, clearly someone found your little amusement funny. They’d be at it at some point though, everyone in the office seemed to get off in their own time and this just happened to be yours. As you felt the last of the coffee dribble down your throat your moans turned to a hard groan as you sped up your rubbing, the diaper smushing around your nethers. Releasing the bottle from your mouth was the last piece of sensory information your brain needed to kick your orgasm into action, a loud “unfff” escaping your mouth as your diaper found itself absorbing your sticky accident.

It was a few minutes later when you finally shook yourself out of the post-orgasm haze. A few coworkers had wished you good morning in that time, since you’d so clearly signalled your arrival. A couple weren’t even in pants today, you noticed. It wasn’t particularly warm but then it wasn’t uncommon to find people preferred having easy access to their diapers at all times. Easier changes, easier playtimes, easier checks. Very few upsides to pants except keeping up appearances. Then again you weren’t exactly doing much else these days at work, getting by until the next opportunity presented itself.

Speaking of which…

An email from your boss comes through. It’s a quick one, a short message typical of an upper management type who sees his time as worth more than anyone else’s.

“Meet me in my office, 15 minutes, bring a notepad”

Great. At least the notepad meant it wasn’t a firing, probably. It was pretty hard to get fired from this place anyway. Most people were just getting on with whatever they were given, there wasn’t really much that could go wrong unless you were just plain incompetent, or worse, leaked all over the bosses favourite chair.

As you finished up an email you pulled yourself out of the chair and grabbed a pen and your little notebook from a drawer next to your desk. As you bent down to grab it you felt your stomach turn. Oh for goodness sake…

You don’t really even think about holding it. Why would you? It was either do it here or do it in front of your boss. At least here you weren’t going to interrupt some speech about productivity needing to improve or some other corporate nonsense. You clench your teeth and ball your hands into fists, giving one massive grunt to relieve the pressure in your rear. The sense of the mess leaving your bowels was as familiar as it was unwelcome, the knowledge that your already completely saturated Snuggies was now supporting basically an entire morning's worth of your intake was not exactly what you needed before heading into a meeting with upper management. Leaking was never ideal, leaking while in the middle of a meeting was a faux pas at best and a complete embarrassment to the team at worst. As the mass smushed against the back of the diaper you felt it pull it away from your butt until eventually it dropped downwards, forcing the bulky padding into a distinct droop. The tapes at the front were now keeping the wings and leak guards from failing completely, just about holding the weight of everything up to your waist.

With a sigh you pulled yourself back up straight and looked over to the changing rooms. There was a queue, one that was now definitely too long to join if you wanted to be in that meeting on time. Fantastic, just fantastic. You make a few adjustments to your pants and start to move out of the cubicle, your waddle obvious to anyone who might look for it. Every step feels like a little gamble as you walk towards your bosses office, the leak guards just about sticking to their guns and preventing an embarrassing set of crescent shapes from forming on your pants. As you reach the door you knock twice, listening for a response.

“Come in”

You pull open the door and make your way inside. The bright pastel colours of your bosses office were mixed with the various colours of LED lights that were strewn around the room. His personal assistant was working in the corner on her own computer, colour matched with the walls.

“Ah, thank you for arriving on time”

You nod in response, shifting nervously. Your boss was sitting in his own personal rocker, a retractable mobile currently pulled into it at the back and his own diaper on clear display. It was well used, but still well beyond the need for a change. But then he didn’t ever need to get up..

“I’ve been reviewing your performance and I have to say I’m interested in hearing what you think of it?”

You go to answer, thinking about what to say, before he interrupts again.

“I’ve just heard one of our supervisors is looking to retire soon. He’s at the age now where he’s looking to just sit back and relax somewhere warmer and I can... “

He trailed off, his teeth clenching. You knew that look, it was one you’d only just come out of a couple of minutes ago. It would be rude to point this out, but it was nonetheless always a bit annoying when someone messed themselves mid conversation. Not that anyone could really help it. With a small groan he shifted in the rocker, making himself more comfortable around his now further soiled Snuggies.

“Nff… Right… where was I… ah yes we have a position open on the pay grade above you. I think you’d be a good choice for a promotion. You’ve shown you’ve got the skills to do the job and we’ve all been very impressed with the way you handle your workload”

You grin in response, giving a positive answer and forgetting for a second about the state of your diaper. A promotion! Well this day just got a lot better.

“Now, my secretary will give you the contract. For a start, you’ll get some extra perks, not least of which is a diaper expense account. We can’t have our best and brightest waddling around like you are now, no offence.”

Your grin disappeared. Was it really that obvious?

“But you’ll solve that with some thicker Snuggies I’m sure! In fact, why don’t we get you changed into one of mine, consider it a congratulatory gift”

Before you can respond his secretary has handed you the stapled paper of the new contract and started to pull your pants to the ground. Your diaper was nearly completely done, pulled precariously away from your body as the pants that were keeping them snug to your groin were whisked away.

“Lie down please”

You obey, sitting down on your full and squishing padding, allowing his personal assistant to begin the process of getting you changed. You were still in a little shock from getting promoted, your mind trying to process all the things that meant. The payrise was going to be nice, the diaper expense account would drastically reduce some of your weekly outgoings too. You began to read it in more detail as you lay there, your tapes being pulled open by the precise hands of your bosses well trained underling. It was basically a requirement of any assistant they knew how to change others diapers, and you’d think that was a universal skill. Far from it, you knew how to change a friend's diaper but your bosses? One leak could send a PA down a spiral of poor performance reviews. That required nerves of steel and a damn good tape method.

Each of the perks you read made you grin. Besides from the financial rewards you’d get extended breaks, a free lunch from the canteen and, best of all, priority changing. That was reserved for those who were responsible for other staff, as they were often too busy with more important matters. Lower grades had to wait in line but now you could get a thick, new Snuggies whenever you felt like it.

You felt a cold wipe removing the mess from your buttocks, your legs lifted into the air by the secretary, their arms quickly but efficiently getting you cleaned up. You could see the extra thick Snuggies lying next to you, ready to go on your rear. The air rushing past your nethers reminded you that what was coming would be on you for the rest of the day. No need to change out of something as thick as that, no need to feel anything rushing past your privates until you got home and got ready for bed. Man, that was the life…

As the thick padding was laid under you its pillowy thickness reminded you of your night diapers. You wouldn’t dare wear those during the day normally, too expensive to go through two a day every day and sitting in your cubicle stinking to high heaven for eight hours a day wouldn’t have made you very popular. But now? You’d have a space at the end of the office, far away from the prying noses of those you kept an eye on. They’d be rushing to the changing rooms every hour or so while you laid back and filled your diaper whenever you needed to.

You felt the wings of the diaper being lifted up to your stomach as the secretary first powdered you down and then secured them safely to the waistband. You reached out your arms to be lifted back to your feet and pulled your pants back to your waist. They were bulging out dangerously, you’d not needed a belt to wear these and the diaper was now peeking clearly out the top.

“They suit you down to the ground! Please sign the contract on my desk and I’ll let you have the rest of the day off to celebrate. My assistant will dispose of your Snuggies for you, don’t worry about that. I have a personal pail in my changing room next door.”

You nodded and smiled as you took a pen from the side of his desk and signed on the dotted line. You gave him a thank you and shook his hand as you turned to leave, thinking about what you’d buy yourself as a treat. Chocolate? Nah you could get that whenever you wanted… Maybe something to go in your crib… yeah that sounded like a plan!

As you entered the elevator to take you back down to the ground floor you felt your diaper start to absorb a new accident from your bladder. This time though, you had no concerns at all. That was going to be the first of many, many more today...


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