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Hey gamers. 

I've decided to do two Sayama sets, as I will not be able to get Huntress's Seduction out this month or in September, as its quite a large (and expensive) project. No scheduled release date, but I plan to release it before the end of the year. I will keep ya'll posted.

However, I still wish to work with her and show the parts of Kiwami 2 that RGG was afraid to do.. so this month, as a compromise, I'll release another Sayama set at the end of the month. 5-6 images in total released in two parts. It'll function like my Chitose and Seonhee sets, where each image is its own idea and scenario instead of being linked together. Hopefully it'll work as an appetizer until i can get Huntress's Seduction out and about.

This is the part where i ask for ideas. What do you wanna see in the set?

Keep on rockin' in the free world and be yourself. - Akko



Kaoru arrests a man then start riding him while pointing her gun to the man all the time