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Hey, fellas! Got some neat ass shit to share tonight.

First off, the first part of the Akame set will arrive on Saturday. Next part will arrive next Saturday, and that'll be the end of it -- i will continue the set with bonus image provided the first two parts are massively successful.

Second off, to segue the first thing, that set will be in even higher quality than usual. As some of you may know, just the other day, i purchased a 4070. This cut my rendering times down by around ~80%, maybe even more and it allows me to do more intense scenes... and guess what? This means that all of you will get each picture in the archive in even higher quality. Patrons will now be able to get new pics in up to 8K quality, looking as clean and sharp as ever.

Thanks to all of you who have helped make this upgrade to my workflow possible, and a huge thanks to the 40+ people (!!!) that have joined in the last few weeks. I'm gonna be honest, my faith in this entire thing was waning for months. Maybe i was in over my head? Now i know all of this is possible, or at least, obtainable in some form. Everyone who has pledged even as low as 3 bucks, you've been a massive help. Seriously. <3

Keep on rockin' in the free world, and be yourself. - Akko.



I also intend to bring back monthly rewards next month. Properly.