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Bad news/good news. First, the location for the bodypaint event thing got back to me, and once there are paid guests, be it 2 or 200, the rules change from shoot to event, with all kinds of costs for additional liability insurance, security provided by an off duty police officer, and other stuff. I get why they need it, if anything went wrong, they'd be sued from every possible direction, but it's all prohibitively expensive.  

Less depressingly, my makeup artist friendo really wants to do this, so i think we'll at least still do the bodypaint shoot, and get it up here. Let me know if you've got a preference between looks inspired by Dr. Manhattan or Red She-Hulk. I'd be happy with either.

If you had your heart set on getting shots with/shots of people on here, SDCC is in July, LACC/Comikaze is in October, we'll actually be at one, or both, of those. 

I'm depressed, but will endure. At least the Red Hood costume turned out brilliant...should shoot that next weekend.




Dr. Manhatten


Does this mean the event is off period?


no, not definitely...enough people were interested, and we had some fun shit all planned out, so if i can find an alternate space, it's on: it's just going to be difficult to replace a location with a cove that gets amazing light/rooftop access/an arcade full of fighting games.